Chapter 9

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I turned around and came face to face with the hottest brunette ever.


I was silently freaking out until his soothing, beautiful voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, sorry for bothering you like this but I wanted to tell you all how much I enjoy watching you guys skate. Whenever i'm having a bad day, I usually put on one of your programs and it brings a smile to my face every time." I blushed slightly at this. 

Why now? I asked myself along with whatever god had put me in this situation.

"Oh, why thank you. We are glad we could put a smile on your face." my dad said with a smile.

"Um y-yeah." I said, cursing my stutter. I saw him slightly smirk at me which just made me blush even more.

"I just wanted to let you know and by the way, great program shoyo! I have no doubt that it will win." he said with a wink, to which a thanked him with a blush that would put tendo's hair to shame. 

"Well it was an honor to meet all of you and I hope we meet again. See you guys around!" he said while exiting the rink. I turned back to my parents to see dad smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You like him, don't you?" at this, papa turned towards me with a shocked face. I groaned at this because I knew exactly what was coming.

"You like him?!?" he said excitedly.

"Shhh, can we talk about this when we get home?" I asked.

"Fine." papa said with a disappointed sigh. The walk home was silent until papa couldn't take it anymore.

"Arg! I can't take it anymore! Do you like him or not?" he asked desperately.

I gave out a really loud sigh as I gave in and told them yes. Papa let out a squeal and dad just gave me that 'I knew it' look. we both chuckled at the childish behavior of papa. we talked about Oikawa the whole way home. they kept nit picking me about everything and it was starting to get on my nerves.

We finally got home after what felt like hours of interrogating. I ran into my room and flopped down on my bed.

Since I still had time before dinner would be ready, I went onto Instagram to see that there where about five million videos all across the internet about my program, which I had skated at the rink, in front of people. Why didn't I think of this? i'm not to sure myself. 

Almost everyone and there mom had posted or re-posted a video of my program. Even Oikawa posted I video with the tag 'Hottest figure skating program I have ever seen'. my life is officially over.

Just before I had died of embarrassment, dad called me down stairs. He didn't say dinner was ready so i'm guessing its about the videos.

"Hey sho, i'm guessing you have seen the videos, correct?" dad asked me. I nodded my head in response.

"So here is the question, do you want to start over so that people don't know what you are doing or do you want to keep it?" papa asked in a serious tone.

"Well I would like to keep what I already have. I mean they don't know what the song is so I can just change a few things about it." I explained. I nodded in response.

We spent the rest of dinner talking about random stuff. Except for when they would bring up my crush on Oikawa. Eventually I told them to knock it off and they did, for the time being. 

We finished dinner and said our goodnights and headed to our rooms. I had no idea what they did in there and frankly I didn't want to know. they had their room sound proof after I had to listen to them all night long. I didn't sleep for about a week.

I got some extra studying in before I eventually fell asleep listening to some relaxing music.


School had finally gotten out and I was on my way to the gym to meet up with the rest of the team. I was super excited for the practice game today because we where going up against one of the top four, Aoba Johsai.

I was nervous at first because Oikawa goes to Aoba Johsai, but he injured is knee not to long ago. So I highly doubt he will be at this practice game. It made me the much more nervous when we bumped into each other at the skating rink.(that was before he injured his knee)

I made it to the gym and we had a small practice session before the game. when practice was over, we made our way to the buss in front of the school. I decided to sit next to sugama- I mean Sugawara because he didn't make me feel stupid *cough*kageyama*cough*.

we eventually made it to Aoba Johsai and I only fell asleep 5 times. We walked into the gym where the practice game was being held and I immediately starting looking around for oikawa. luckily I didn't find him. 

I let out a sigh of relief and got pumped up for the game. that is until kageyama decided to make me nervous again and I felt like I had to puke. I quickly ran to the bathroom so that I didn't puke in front of everyone.

(Imma skip the part at the bathroom with onion head and them)

I was walking back to the gym, shaking because of what onion head had said to me. The sentence echoed in my mind as I tried to focus on the game that was about to happen, but to no prevail.

Im screwed


Another chapter finally finished. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

Bye my Diamonds!

word count: 954 not including A/N

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