Chapter 28

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I really need to start making these chapter's longer >~<


They got back with everything they needed, which wasn't a whole lot, and we headed out to find a skating rink, well, tried. Most of them were either closed, due to it being 5 am on a wednesday, or had someone else renting them out, or had too many people for comfort, which is kinda confusing because it is 5 in the morning, though i didn't really think too much of it.

We eventually found a rink that didn't have a whole bunch of people in it and decided it was good enough.

I didn't really practice my program full out because of the other people there, but I did run through it a couple of times along with running through the jumps.

We got interrupted a few times by fans that wanted pictures of autographs but we got most of what I wanted to get done, done. After practice, we had a little bit of time before warm up began and we decided that it would be good to get something to eat.

I take after papa in the way that i don't really like to show up to events really early. Infact, I like to show up for warm up, so I can get used to the ice at the event sight, then leave, maybe take a nap, get some food, something like that, then I get there the performance before mine. That way I'm not intimidated the whole time by the skaters who are towering over me.

We ate at a small cafe then started heading over to the performance sight. We got there and immediately got bombarded with paparazzi, asking questions like, "hOw Do YoU fEeL?" or "ArE yOu InTimIdAtEd By AnY oF tHe OtHeR sKaTeR's HeRe?" I just gave them a smile and continued walking as my body guards pushed them out of the way.

We got inside, signed in and went over to stretch. My parents like to stretch with me, not sure entirely why but I kinda see it as a good luck of sorts. We finished stretching and I went to get dressed. I got out my practice clothes and skates, put them on, then walked out to the ice.

I saw a lot of competitive skaters with me which just made me nervous, and just after I shook off my nerves. I shook them off again and got ready to warm up. I was pretty excited to perform but my nerves kept creeping back up.

Finally, they announced that it was ok for us to go onto the ice and warm up. The other skaters skated out before me and then I skated out. When I did, the whole crowd erupted into cheers and screams. I chuckled at their screaming and just waved with my signature smil, outshining anyone and everyone on the ice with me.

I warmed up with a few jumps and a little bit of my program. Specifically, the parts I have the most trouble with.

And just like that, warm up was over. I was one of the last ones to exit as I wanted to make sure I was comfortable with how I knew the ice and how to move on it. I exited the ice and was about to exit the building, wanting a few more hours of sleep so that I was at my best, until I bumped into someone.

"Gah, oh i'm sorry, didn't see you th-" I was about to finish my apology until I looked up at the person, or people, I had bumped into. My eyes widened in shock when I realised who I bumped into.

"Wait a minute," one of them said with a voice I knew all too well.

"Shoyo!?!" they both said at the same time.

"Yeah it me but what are you guys doing here?!" I yelled at the two in front of me who are none other than my senpai, tanaka and noya.


hello my wonderful wild flowers. I hope that this chapter was enjoyable and I hope to see you in the next one!

word count: 653 not including A/N

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