Chapter 6, What are you hiding

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Romeo's challenge was challenging as the name would suggest. Radar wanted to break the machine in the challenge but Jesse said not to and somehow fought her way through the thing. Xara was shocked that a mortal with no powers was able to get through it. Jesse seemed to have fun too. When they got out they left Romeoburg.
Xara looked over at Jesse as they walked. "Hey Jesse, wanted to say how impressed I am that you were able to get through the whole challenge. It was meant to be done by admins. You're a mortal with no powers. I'm amazed." Xara told Jesse and Jesse smiled.
Petra nodded at Xara's comment. "Yeah Jesse here is full of surprises. She's incredibly tough too." Petra said.
Jack tried to make it about him and how he would have been able to complete it too but Xara shut him down. She really didn't like how entitled he seemed to be.
The group walked and talked. They made their way to Fred's keep. Binta greeted the group. She didn't recognize Xara or she would have said something. There was a challenge to see who knew Fred the best. Jesse decided to enter but also didn't feel like studying things. Everyone in the group were off doing things and talking to the people of Fred's Keep. Jesse walked into an empty building and shut the door. She called out Romeo's name in a normal voice.
Right on que, Romeo appeared in front of her. "Hello Jesse, how may I be of service?" He asked and looked around the small building. "Oh I see you are in Fred's Keep. Not sure why I haven't destroyed this place. Everyone here is absolutely pathetic." Romeo said.
Jesse looked at him. "Sorry if I'm bothering you but I was wondering if you could help me complete the Fred quiz since he was your friend." Jesse said.
"Ah yes. I can help with that. Alright so Fred had a chicken named waffles, he loved bread, his favorite tool was a diamond hoe, and he was obsessed with Lapis. And Lapis blue." Romeo said.
Jesse almost laughed at the lapis part. "Same color as my underwear." She mumbled.
Romeo of course being Romeo heard that and almost laughed too. "Unnecessary information but amusing to know none the less." He said and then left.
Jesse walked out of the building and Binta announced the trivia quiz was starting. Jesse of course aced the trivia. She also had the best build. Jesse did win which shocked everybody. The previous champion of the challenge, Kent(I think) was visibly upset as Jesse took the armor of Fred's and put it on. Jesse looked at the guy and whispered into his ear "awe the baby is upset he doesn't get to wear the stupid armor. Boohoo. Romeo was right about people here being pathetic." is what she whispered to him and then she snickered.
Kent jumped up and backed away from what Jesse said. "B-BINTA! I THINK SHE'S WORKING WITH ROMEO!" Kent yelled in fear.
Jesse looked shocked. "Don't be so salty about losing! There isn't a need to try and lie that I'm working with that monster who tortured me!" Jesse was faking offense and anger.
Binta looked at Kent. "I understand you are upset but Jesse is right, there is no need to lie like that." Binta said.
Kent tried to plead that he wasn't lying but Binta wouldn't listen so he had to give up.
Xara narrowed her eyes at Jesse, thinking it was weird for Kent to just say out of nowhere. Xara took Jesse aside. "Hey I don't mean to sound rude but, are you hiding something?" She asked.
Jesse shook her head. "I promise I'm not! Though I can understand why you would think that." Jesse said and went inside Fred's house.
Xara didn't know if she bought it but she didn't want to push the issue.
Jesse looked around the house. It was nice. She found the way down to Fred's journal area. She read the journal and saw something written that intrigued her. "#Potato451? What does that mean?" Jesse questioned and Romeo appeared.
He grabbed the journal and burned it. "Don't ever say that again!" He shivered and looked to be very uncomfortable.
Jesse gave him a puzzled look. "What is it?" She asked.
Romeo sighed. "It's sorta like a fail safe in case I was to get too out of control that Fred made. The thing would take my powers and pretty much launch me into a void. It looks like a golden version of the gauntlet that I made for you. I absolutely hate it..." Romeo said shaking a bit, the thought alone scared him.
Jesse noticed his discomfort. She walked closer to him. "I'm sorry for bringing it up..." Jesse said looking ashamed.
"It''s fine Jesse." He said and sighed.
Jesse didn't like seeing Romeo like this. She decided to give him a hug. Romeo was clearly shocked by the sudden action. His heart began to race. Romeo hugged her back though. He even smiled. The close contact with his champion, it made him feel happy. He felt special. He felt safe with Jesse. They stayed hugging for awhile until they heard somebody coming down. Romeo promptly vanished and Jesse was smiling.
Xara came down to check on Jesse. "Is everything alright Jesse?" She asked with a bit of concern.
Jesse looked at Xara still smiling. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just really nice down here." Jesse told Xara who again was suspicious but wasn't going to question it. Jesse went to Fred's room next and locked the door. She was tired and wanted to get some rest. She plopped down on the bed and yawned. The bed was naturally pretty big considering Fred's size. Jesse looked around the room and got under the covers.
Romeo poofed into the room to say goodnight to Jesse. "I see you are going to bed. Understandable. You've had a long day and deserve a rest. My champion only should get the best treatment!" He said and smiled.
Jesse blushed a little upon Romeo calling her his. She felt special. "H-Hey Romeo?" She said to which Romeo raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? Do you need something?" He asked
Jesse looked a bit nervous before finally speaking. "I was wondering could stay here with me. After uhm...yesterday I don't really want to sleep without you..." she said sheepishly.
Romeo blushed a little like Jesse was but then smiled and got on the bed too. "Of course. Anything for you!" Romeo got under the covers with Jesse then looked at her. "You know if you love me so much then just tell me." He teased her.
Jesse's face got a bit red. She said nothing and put her head on him. Romeo now was also a bit red in the face. He didn't say anything though. He was happy. They both soon drifted off to sleep.

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