Chapter 2

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The next morning, I lie sideways on a bed too soft to be my own with my eyes closed even though I'm fully awake and conscious. I don't want to open them. What if last night wasn't some messed up dream? What if it's reality? Various questions circle my mind before I finally put a plug on them. Taking a deep breath, I force my eyes open and immediately squint as they slowly adjust to the bright light pouring in through the large windows of the room. Of the unfamiliar room...

So it wasn't a dream.... I think with another deep sigh. The tears start to build up in corner of my eyes and I have an overwhelming urge to break down crying but I squeeze my eyes shut and will the tears away. I couldn't cry now; crying wouldn't do anything to help my situation. I remind myself that there is still a chance that they'll let me go and with that, my eyes re-open and focus on the sight in front of me: an alarm clock that said it was 20 minutes before it turned 8'o'clock. 20 minutes before Mr Ichinomiya stormed in here and murdered me for not doing as I'm told. My eyes widen at the realization and I flip the covers off me and quickly jump out of bed. The last thing I wanted to do now was get him mad. 

I run to the luggage which I knew had most of my clothes in it and zip it open before grabbing a few clothes and accessories from it, trying to choose things that matched at least a little. Pulling them on, I grab a few toiletries and rush into the bathroom where I clean myself up before putting on some natural and light makeup. Then, I head back to the room and glance at the alarm which says that there is less than 2 minutes left till 8. "Damn it!" I curse under my breath, pulling out a pair of ankle boots from a luggage and putting them on before quickly locking up the luggages and clambering towards the door as fast as I can. 

However, when I reach the door, I hesitate. Urgh, I don't want to go in! I think, suddenly scared to know what was waiting for me on the other side of it. He'll get pissed if I'm late, though ... And with that, I close my eyes and quickly turn the door knob and quietly walking into what I'm guessing was his living room. However, when I enter the room, I find it to be empty. He's probably downstairs with everyone else... This is even worse than him on his own

I cautiously leave the living room and go down the stairs to the lounge area where, thankfully, only Mr Ichinomiya sits at his laptop, a cup of coffee in one hand. "You're late." he says without even looking up, his voice devoid of any emotion. 

"Huh?" I say glancing at the watch on my left hand which says it's exactly 8'o'clock. I open my mouth to argue but clamp it shut just as soon and bite my tongue to keep myself from blurting anything.

"According to my watch, it's 8:01." he says, glancing at his watch but still not looking up. "You have less than 9 minutes to go and eat something from the kitchen before we leave." he adds on, nodding towards what was probably the general direction of the kitchen.

Only then do I realize that I didn't eat anything last night. In fact, since eating from the convenience store yesterday afternoon, I hadn't had anything to eat so they why didn't I even feel the least bit hungry right now? "O-Okay." I stammer before heading to the kitchen where I find an untouched room service breakfast. I take one or two bites of the sandwich but soon start to feel queasy so I drop it back onto the tray. The next few minutes I simply waste by picking at the rest of the food but not eating one bit. 

Deciding that I wasn't going to get anything down my stomach and keep it there anytime soon, I push the tray away and jump off the stool I'm sitting on before returning to the living room. This time I enter, all 4 guys are here except Mr Kishi. Baba spots me and opens his mouth to speak just as Mr Ichinomiya he looks up at me. His eyebrow quirks up as a smirk pulls at the corner of his lips, making me feel even more uneasy than I already do. "Pfft, is that the best you've got?" he scoffs, cutting of whatever Baba was going to say.

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