Prologue - Main Story

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I couldn't think straight. What on earth is happening to me? Why am I on a stage inside a bird cage like some sort of animal? Why are there people just sitting on the stage in front of me but not helping me? And why are they looking at me with eyes that either showed amusement, disinterest, pity or something so disgusting and revolting that it scared me just to even think about it?

Yes, they said I was going to be sold at an auction to the highest bidder but that couldn't be true, could it? I had probably just translated my Japanese wrong amidst all the confusion. After all, how can they sell a human at an auction? I mean, that was human trafficking! I really can't believe I'm here right now.

[ -- earlier in the day -- ]

I had arrived in Tokyo just yesterday and had decided to check out the city with the only free time I would have for the foreseeable future before it went back to working and studying again. I had just graduated from medical school in Britain less than a month ago and had been matched with a hospital in Japan to do my 7 years of internship before I could finally achieve my lifelong dream which I had done practically everything humanly possible for; becoming a doctor..

The jet I had had this morning when I got out of my bed really made me want to climb right back in but I had just two weeks to enjoy myself with before my internship begun at Ebisu General Hospital and I wanted to make the most of these 2 weeks.

(( Yes, I used the name of the hospital from Voltage's other game, Kiss of Revenge, because I didn't have any idea what Japanese hospitals are called. ))

Coming out of the Tourist Information Centre, I flicked through the 500 million leaflets I had been handed by the receptionist until I found one that looked interesting. It had a picture of a beautiful building in it with the words 'Tres Spades Hotel and Casino' written on the front cover. It looks amazing ... I thought, wondering what kinda of money you'd need to stay at this place. Obviously, it wasn't the type of place I could ever even think to afford to stay in but it wouldn't hurt to have a look around the place, would it? After all, in a few years' time, maybe they'll even set a prize for just looking at the place. With that thought in mind and the leaflet in my hand, I approached the nearest friendly looking citizen and asked for directions towards the hotel. There was an address on it, of course, but I hadn't got every nook and cranny of Tokyo tattooed into my brain just yet.

After asking a few more people for directions and getting shouted at for crossing the road without looking, I finally arrived at the hotel. And boy, did it live up to everything I had heard about it and more. I rummaged in my bag for my new wireless Beats headphones which I had received as one of my presents for graduating med school and put them on before scrolling through my iTunes playlist and putting on the first song that came up when I put it on shuffle. After sorting out my need to have some music playing, I looked down once again at the leaflet in my hands and looked at the map of the hotel started to work out where I wanted to go first.

I decided to go see the art museum first since it seemed to be the closest to the entrance but then realized the photo opportunity the hotel offered. Smiling to myself, I dropped my bag --- which was getting far too heavy for its own good now --- on the nearest bench I could find inside the hotel, assuming that it would be safe there since this place was said to have excellent security and switched on the camera hanging on my neck before walking back outside to the entrance. I lifted the camera up to my eye so I could see what it was focusing on and walked backwards trying to get the whole of the hotel in the shot when I suddenly backed up into something that felt surprisingly warm. My whole body froze in shock before something, or someone to be precise, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away about a meter from whatever it was that was warm.

"How dare you touch our Eisuke!?" screamed the woman who had grabbed me in a high pitched, girly voice at me as soon as she let me go of my arm.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ..." I apologized to the scary woman who was now glaring at me angrily and then looked towards the place where she had dragged me away from. Sure enough, there was some man in a dark suit and purple shirt standing there looking at me with a cold expression and with god know how many women surrounding him.

In A Lifetime ( KBTBB : Eisuke Ichinomiya )Where stories live. Discover now