Chapter 4

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Fundy Centered Pov

The fox groaned as he sat up to investigate the small tapping noise coming from the window. 3 am, that's what the time read on the clock that sat mounted on the orange wall. A small yawn escaped his lips as he slid off of his bed to slowly make his way across the room. The tapping abruptly stopped before Fundy could reach over to the unopened window, but the ginger could make out a small shadow on the window ledge. Curiously, he pushed on the glass until it was open. He was greeted by a rose and a letter that read "For you :) -D". Sticking his head outside, the hybrid scanned the area but he couldn't detect anyone nearby. Fundy picked up the rose to inspect it, it was thornless and it was way too dark out to see what colour it was. He scoffed and placed both the rose and note on his desk in the corner of the room before attempting to get back to sleep.

About 4 hours later, Fundy was woken up by a knocking sound for the second time that day. Stretching slightly he replied to the noise "Come in." A quiet click of the door opening revealed who his guest was. There in the doorway stood his Father holding a plate with some sort of pastry on it. The younger smiled at the brunette man before signalling that he could come in. Wilbur entered the room before handing Fundy the plate.

Fundy went to take a bite from the pastry, but he heard his father begin talking. "What's that?" Wilbur asked, referring to the flower on the desk. If he was honest, he had completely forgotten about the gift that had been left at his window that night. Fundy's eyes flickered over to the rose, now being able to properly see it in the morning light. The rose was lilac in colour, perfectly in bloom with no signs of wilting. "Oh... that" The fox replied as Wilbur stood up, making his way towards the desk. Delicately, the older man admired it, "where did you get it?" Fundy shrugged in response "found it outside the window." His father slowly placed the rose down, attention turning to the note. The curious expression wiped into more of an angry one as Wilbur read the note. "He visited you didn't he?" It took a few moments for the realisation to hit him. Dream had shown up in the middle of the night, just to deliver a flower to him? Not even to talk, just to drop off a rose.

Wilbur dropped the subject after seeing a look of confusion cross Fundy's face, rather focusing on some random things that the prince could care less about... well until the war was mentioned, that was the case. 


Techno Centered Pov

Techno was looking for dream. He had promised to question the chaos god for phil and wilbur. He couldn't lie... he was beginning to regret that. "Dream!" He called out for what felt like the 50th time that hour. A sigh escaped him as he spotted a god, but not the one he was looking for. Sapnap. The god in question was rather tall with fluffy black hair that sat just above his shoulders and black eyes that techno could've sworn were orange on certain occasions. Sapnap proudly wore an off-white dress shirt that was mainly unbuttoned to the middle of his chest that was tucked into a checkered sash tied around his waist. Just below the sash, the god wore plain black pants and large clunky boots. To finish the look, a golden ring sat on his finger. The more casual appearance was due to the fire gods more common presence in the mortal realm and with the two men he had picked as his chosen humans. 

A cough from Techno made his arrival known to the dark haired man. "Techno." He greeted with a nod, "you're not one to talk let alone to me, what do you need?" The pink haired God looked around for a moment before going "I'm looking for dream, have you seen him?" Sapnap's face went blank for a minute before his eyes lit up, "Yeah actually! I saw him up on that cliff like a few miles from the greater smp," the black haired god rambled on "you know the one that looks over that big city.... what's it called?" Techno looked at the man in confusion before Sapnap began to speak again "You know what, I'll just take you there" he sighed in a slightly annoyed tone.

Travelling to this so-called "cliff that overlooks that big city" felt longer than it should have. It was just quiet. The quietness made sense though, it was rare for the two to interact. Silence was broken as techno realised what "that big city" was. "L'manburg? Are you kidding me?" The pink haired god questioned, "You couldn't remember what Lmanburg was called?" Sapnap shrugged before stating "He should be nearby, I'll just go..." his voice trailing off at the end. Techno gave a short nod and began looking for the green man in the area of the cliff. Finding him was rather easy, as techno saw dream grinning ear to ear while running away from L'manburgs walls. “Oh Techno, i didn’t expect you to be near L’manburg'' Dream yelled as he got closer to the top of the cliff. “Dream i have a few questions for you” the blonde laughed in his weird tea kettle like way as the god of war just stared at him, completely serious. “Ok then, fire away” dream wheezed out as he sat on the edge of the cliff, patting the ground, signalling for techno to join him. 

He sat down next to the blonde,”Why Fundy?” Dreams face managed to contort into a bigger grin “He’s called Fundy?!” Techno groaned as the literal god of chaos began rambling about the mystery boy he saw in the castle gardens “I can write him proper notes now! I don't have to just leave my initial- Oh techno you know him? What is he like? I mean he's super pretty but i haven't talked to him yet…” The pig hybrid looked at the blonde in confusion, “You know nothing about him?” dream nodded “So, you chose the prince of L’manburg, without knowing anything about him.” Techno watched the man next to him change from happy to confused extremely fast, “Wait he’s the prince?” A brief silence sat over the two. “Yeah no that's my bad” he added to his previous sentence, “I thought he was a gardener or something” The pink haired god spoke up once more “You gonna take the coin back?” A tea kettle wheeze was the response. 


1131 words

Sorry for like forgetting to write this for a while, I wrote this over an hour while speaking to my friends so it may be terrible. But hey! We got a techno pov :)

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