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???: Hi's me Jimin.....

I sit beside her....moving away the dried leaves that fell on her. I caress the cold stone the separates her from me, the barrier that keeps me from holding her in my arms. 

Jimin: I miss you so much....and I'm so sorry. I say this everyday when I visit because I truly am sorry. None of this would had happen if only I chose to stay away. 

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Jimin: I love you so much and I only wish I could've told that more often. Would you still love a person like me? 

Warm tears continue to glide down my cold cheeks even on this sunny day apart of my dead heart will always and forever remain cold. Even if I have found some sort of happiness I would always carry this guilt on my shoulders till the day I die.

Jimin: I brought you your favorite flowers like I do everyday. 

Babies Breath were her favorite flowers because they reminded her of me. Light, small and beautiful at least that's what she said. 

Jimin: I know you wouldn't want me to cry so I'll stop and save them for tomorrow when I come back. But on a lighter note, today are my twin boys birthday they turn 18. Also she turns 25 in two days.....I wonder what she looks like now.....


??? Pov

???: 0510 xxx this is were you live huh? 

I walk closer to the big mansion that's placed in the deep deep forests of Korea. I reach the gates only to be greeted by to big guys guarding the door.

Guard 1: Who are you and how did you get here? 

???: Who am I? That's none of your concern how I got here? Of course I fucking walked here now tell me is this Park Jimins house? 

Guard 2: Little girl I think you should turn back before I snap your neck.

I scoff at them staring into there red eyes to which the don't seem to fond of.

???: You really think I'm scared of you blood suckers? Oh please your not even enough for me to punch the living day lights out of you. 

Guard number 2 seemed pissed and started charging his way towards me. Just as his about to grab me neck and slam me to the ground a voice calls out to him. 

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