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Everything happened so fast that no one noticed that the body of the said dead girl quickly rose out of the water.

Jisung: Jaemin hyung!

Everyone quickly turned when the teen boy shouted for his brother, being in the state of shock wasn't enough to explain how they were all feeling. Jimin looked at the girl dead in the eyes noticing how the bite on her neck was slowly healing. Her iris were a bright crimson red color but what surprised him the most was when her eyes started shifting into a ultra violet color. 

Soojin: Let go of my son you son of a bitch!

The girl had a strong grip around Jimins sons neck, everyone was ready to advance towards the girl but Jimins voice boomed stopping everyone. He kept looking at the situation in front of him trying to figure out a way to get his out of danger.  

Jimin: Who- no...what the hell are you?! Let go of my son now before I snap your neck!

???: Why? You let your son kill me so why I can't I return the favor? 

Jimin: My son is innocent, I did warn you before but you didn't listen to me. That's why I let him kill you. 

???: Is this how you treat your own family members?

Jimin: No this is how I treat scum bags like you.

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Soojin: Jaemin!

Soojin cried out for her son, eyes quickly turning red she ran towards the girls direction and attack her. But the girl blocked her attack and quickly pinned Soojin arms behind her back breaking her bone. Jimin was ready to charge at the new threat but stopped...

???: I wouldn't if I were you....unless you want your wife dead

Jimin: What do you want from me!

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