Chapter 8

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Back at the Mikaelson mansion Hope slams the door open attempting to go to her room to process what she just found out but is stopped by her mother

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Back at the Mikaelson mansion Hope slams the door open attempting to go to her room to process what she just found out but is stopped by her mother.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson! What has gotten into you?." Hayley shouts at her daughter wondering what has her acting out. Her shout brings the rest of the family into the living room and Klaus slowly makes his way into the room from parking the car.

Hope rips around to glare at her mother angry and looking betrayed with tears in her eyes. "How could you!"

Hayley looks taken back, Hope has never talked to her like that. "I don't understand Hope what are you talking about sweetheart?"

"Miss Forbes! How could you ruin her life like that by having sex with dad. Do you have no shame?" Hope growls angry on behalf of her new sisters family, not even realizing how easily her wolf excepted Olivia and sees her with a familiar bond.

Kol goes and wraps his niece in a hug, knowing that he'd be the only one her wolf would let touch her right now. "What happened poppet?" Kol asks.

Hope answers while melting into her uncles embrace, "I saw Olivia and her family at the grill and went over to say hi and when I realized everyone was tense seeing dad and he made it worse when he started antagonizing them then finally Olivia snapped and let out that he cheated on Miss Forbes and that she's my sister."

"Hope t-that only happened once and we were both drunk, B-but I have never regretted it, because it gave me you." Hayley stutters out trying to save face with her daughter.

"Now now Hayley, let's not lie to Hope. If I remember correctly, you did the same thing to Delilah's twin sister Caroline and her boyfriend at the time, Tyler was it?" Kol says unrepentant not letting her get away from fessing up to her betrayals.

Hayley throws Kol an icy glare, which doesn't faze him in the slightest, and grits out, "I was a different person back then and having you changed me for better."

"If I changed you so much why do you hate Miss Forbes so much?" Hope asks not buying her mother's excuses, she wasn't blind to the hostile glares her mother gave Miss Forbes in the meeting. The rest of the family listen intently never really understanding the grudge Hayley holds against Delilah.

"Because she's little miss perfect! She had a loving sister that would do anything for her and the strongest creature on earth as a boyfriend, not to mention Damon who was pinning after her, all while still be human It wasn't fair and she needed to be taken down a peg. Why should she get everything while still being a helpless human, what so special about her? Nothing!" Hayley explodes while the Mikaelson's look on in disgust.

Hope looks at her mother with repulsion, "You disgust me and should be ashamed of yourself." Hope sneers at Hayley before running to her room and putting a spell on the door so no one can open it.

"What the hell Hayley!?" Rebekah yells stunned while the rest of the Mikaelson's are looking at her with like they've never seen her before, except Kol who looks like he wants to throttle her.

"Oh come on you know it's true! She always got everything handed to her, it wasn't fair." Hayley says all but pouting.

" Well maybe if you weren't a conniving bitch nice things would have happened to you. And stay away from my best friend or I will end you." Kol says menacingly before leaving with his wife to get a drink and cool off.

"Are you saying that you planned having me cheat on my fiancé for revenge?" Klaus asks dangerously.

"When you say it like that, it sounds bad." Hayley says meekly backing up, finally realizing what danger she's in.

"Leave Hayley before I kill the mother of one of my daughters." Klaus says glaring. 

Hayley looks to Elijah to see if he's going to say anything in her defense but when he doesn't she speeds out the door leaving the Mikaelson's all stunned.

(Okay I fibbed next chapter is Hope's first day and I know my babies weren't in this chapter of this confrontation needed to happen)

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(Okay I fibbed next chapter is Hope's first day and I know my babies weren't in this chapter of this confrontation needed to happen)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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