secret's out; remus lupin

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Remus Lupin; secret's out

Remus Lupin was an amazing student, a creative soul, a responsible friend with a funny, mischievous side and an excellent wizard.

But he had a secret.

A very dark one.

Remus Lupin was also a werewolf.

Not a lot of people knew this, werewolves were described as dangerous, evil and murderous.

They were only murderous when they were in their wolf state, not when in human form. And still people were prejudiced and scared of them.

If you would ask Remus Lupin to describe himself, he would talk of his wolf self, about the dangerous creature he turned into. He would never describe his true self, the person behind his state.

He thought of himself as a monster.

And if there were to be a law to slaughter werewolves, Remus would cheer it on, saying that it's the sentence he deserves.

He had a very low self-esteem because of this, carrying such a big hatred for a part of himself he couldn't change was difficult to live with. Carrying a secret, as big as his, wasn't easy either.

You can't make loads of friends, since all would disassociate as soon as they found out what he really was.

That was until he met his friends, he didn't tell them about being a werewolf for the longest time but it was bound to happen, being so close to him, that they were going to connect the dots at some point.

As long as he could, he tried to play it off with several lies, his most popular choices were 'i needed to visit my family' and 'i wasn't feeling well after dinner so i went up to the hospital wing and she kept me for the night'.

After years being close to him, his friends found out.

Remus expected them to scold him, attack him, degrade him, distance themselves and tell the whole school.

Their reaction was, because of his negative expectations, very surprising to Remus.

The other 'marauders', as they called themselves, were mad at him, not for being a werewolf, but for not telling them earlier.

They had scolded him because if they knew earlier they could've helped him every month and he didn't have to go through it all alone.

He had, naturally, expected them to just be there after every full moon, waiting for him in the hospital wing the morning after.

But James, Sirius and Peter went further.

They did their research and focused hard on becoming animagi.

As soon as they succeeded, the full moon looked like a lot more fun. He didn't look up against it anymore. If he was being honest, those times were even enjoyable, not counting the immense pain he still went through.

It turned out that being with other animals made him a lot calmer, as if his human self stayed in contact.

They sneaked out every month, under James' invisibility cloak, and accomied Remus to the shrieking shack.

Then they transformed to their animagus self, Sirius turned into a dog, Peter a rat and James a stag.

After the night was over they made sure Remus was okay and brought him back to the castle.

He was very lucky to have such loyal friends.

He knew and realised that all too well.

That's why he was staring out of the dirty window, in the gryffindor common room, and looking at the dark blue night-sky, painted with shining stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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