Solving the mystery of Nicolas Flamel

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Harry POV

One month passed fast and it was Christmas now. Naruto invited me, Ron and his siblings at Hogwarts to his home, (his parents and sister were going to Romania) as Naruto wanted to pass with his mom and technically, my aunt, as Naruto was my cousin, even if it was three times removed, more or less. Ron parents agree and even Percy wanted to see the famous Namikaze manor. Hermione was also invited but she was returning to her home for the holidays. When we arrived, I was with my jaw on the floor. The mansion was very big and had many rooms.

"It's lonely live here alone" Naruto said "even when I have my house elf"

"I can understand that" I said "even when I hate living with my relatives, I least they were there, even if it was a nightmare"

"Are you ready to find who this Nicolas Flamel is?" Naruto said

"Of course" I said "or Hermione will have our heads"

"Let's go to my library" Naruto said "there has to be something there"

"Okay!" Ron and I said. We spend a lot of the holidays doing research but we come empty. Hermione will have our heads but other than that, I had the best christmas of my life. I received a invisibility cloak that belong to my father, a sweater made by mrs Weasley, defense books from Naruto, chocolate frogs from Ron, a prank book from the Weasley twins (my mother was amused by that), a book that reminds you of homework from Hermione, a special quill from Percy and new clothes from my aunt Kushina. I was happy and at least I could hide from Hermione's wrath with my invisibility cloak. When we returned, Hermine look disappointed we fail in our homework of research of Nicolas Flamel. But thanks to Naruto, who was eating a chocolate frog, found who our mystery guy was.

"I found something!" Naruto said "Hear this:



Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark Wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and ten-pin bowling.

"That's it!" Said Hermione "she run off to the girl dorms.

"What was that all about?" Asked Ron. Naruto and I were as confused as he was. Hermione return a few minutes later, to our horror, come back with a really big book.

"I took this book out of the library for some light reading before the holidays" Hermione said as she put the book down.

"Light reading?" Ron and Naruto said at the same time. Hermione look at them with a look to shut up or else. Both my best friends didn't say anything else as she read about Nicolas Flamel:

Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone that had legendary powers. The Stone can transformed metal into pure gold and produced the Elixir of Life that granted the drinker eternal life.

"That's it!" I said "that's what the guard is protecting!"

"Let's not worry for now" Naruto said "let's focus on the exams"

"Ohh no" said Ron "no you too!". Naruto and I burst into laughter and Hermione make a sound of annoyence.

AN: Albus Dumbledore chocolate frog and the information of Nicolas Flamel I took it from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone

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