The magical world and arriving at Hogwarts

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Few hours before the Namikaze account has been emptied

Naruto POV

After saying Diagon Alley, I appear on a strange place, full of people with hats and clothes that literally belong to the early 1700's. I guess here is where they free to wear whatever they want. As I was walking, an old man with long white beard and wearing blue clothing and half-moon glasses came to me.

"Hello there" he said "you must be young Naruto, right?". Then I remember that Dumbledore was going to meet me here

"Yeah" I answered "are you headmaster Dumbledore?"

"That would be correct" he said "now follow me. We will go to your family's vault in Gringrotts"

"But all my money is my former home" I said

"Yes" he said "but the Namikaze's where a powerful wizard family and have their own vault. Also, you can transfer all your money from you account to your vault and it will became wizard money"

"Okay" I said. So I follow him to the wizard bank, Gringotts. I got nervous when I saw the goblins. Dumbledore then talk to a goblin, who took us to an office.

"Now, mister Namikaze" said the goblin "would you like for us to transferm all the money of your family here?"

"Yes" I answered, knowing very well that it was a lot of money and it was 70% of all money of Konoha, as my grandfather and father own a lot of the businesses in there as well as a lot of the buildings. I hate Konoha for everything they did to me and while I didn't want to kill them,.  like Kurama wanted, I would crippled them and they would need to do a lot of missions to rebuild.

"Very well" he said. He swipe his fingers "it's done"

"Thank you" I said. After doing that, we went to my vault no one has see it since my grandfather, Menma had to abandoned the country because of a dark wizard called Voldemort.. In the way there, professor Dumbledore introduce me to Hagrid, the gate keeper of Hogwarts and Harry Potter, a hero in the wizard world. Professor Dumbledore decided to leave me with Hagrid and Harry, so I could have a first friend. We bought our school supplies and then we went to buy our wands. Harry had one with a phoenix feather and have one with a unicorn hair. Both were made of the same wood and were same size. After that I would go to my manor and leave with my family's house elf descendant, as I didn't have another family member and the headmaster didn't want me to go to a orphanage.

September 1st

The day I had to go to King Cross arrived. My house elf, Jacksy, brought me close enough and he then disappear before anyone could see him. I saw Harry been dropped by a fat man and a ugly woman with a large neck. I saw as they literally abandoned him to his luck. I went towards him "hi Harry" I said

"Hi Naruto" said Harry "do you know what to do?"

"My house elf told me what to do" said Naruto "come on". On our way, we meet the Weasley family.

"First time too?" Asked the mother

"Yeah" I said "We need to do something with the wall, right?. My house elf told me something about it"

"Yes" said the woman "just do what my children are doing". After we enter the barrier and saw the train, I was very surprised. I have never seek anything like that before. After we enter, we went to find a compartment and then we waited. After a few minutes, one of the red heads open the door.

"Hello" he said "do you mind?. All the others are full"

"Sure" said Harry. He enter and sit infront of us

"My name is Ron" the red head said "Ron Weasley"

"Naruto Namikaze" I said

"Harry Potter" said Harry. Ron's eyes widened

"So it is true you have the...." Ron started but lower his voice "the scar?". Harry then lift his hair "wicked!". Suddenly, I felt something wrong with his scar. Something evil was inside that scar.

"Naruto?" Said Harry "you okay?"

"Yeah" I answered "is just that my family had this strange ability to detect evil magic and I am detecting something wrong with your scar"

"Well, You Know Who did it to him" said Ron "maybe is that?"

"I don't know" I said "I will talk to....". We were interrupted when a blond boy and two big gorillas enter our compartment uninvited.

"So it is true" said the blond boy "Harry Potter and Naruto Namikaze are going to Hogwarts"

"And you are?" I asked to the rude boy

"Draco Malfoy" said the boy. I snorted along side Ron.

"Something funny?" Draco ask Ron, ignoring that I laughed too "I don't need to know who you are. Red hair and old robes. Your a Weasley. You two should be careful who you interact with"

"Are you talking about you?" I asked "because you look nothing more than a spoiled brat". Draco was red with anger

"You will pay for that!" Said Draco "this is not the last time we will see each other". He then left alongside his two unnamed goons.

"Thanks" said Ron

"What are friends for?" I said. Ron smiled alongside Harry. After that, a girl with bushy hair, who introduced herself as Hermione Granger, come in and ask if we had seen a toad, which we said no. She left after Ron tried to do magic on his rat, Scabbers and failed miserably. I feel something off with that rat. She then repair Harry's glasses, but then she told us to change and then she left.

"What's up with her?" Asked Ron. We changed anyway as we didn't want the girl to come back and scold us. When the train stopped, we went out and we reunited with Hagrid. He took us to the lake and I was amazed with the enormous castle that was Hogwarts. This place was much better than Konoha in so many ways and I am glad I choose this over been a ninja. And best of all, my two new best friends didn't have any issue with Kurama been sealed inside me when I told them on our ride on the train. This is going to be fun.

A ninja who choose to be a wizard: book 1 HPSSWhere stories live. Discover now