Chapter Twenty One

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It was a bit cold in the morning, which was why it was perfectly justified to lay down beside Death in bed under the covers for the better part of the first half of the day. He was warm, we were both naked and I pressed up against his chest, letting him naturally fold his limbs over me, enjoying being the little spoon.

I grabbed his hand and held it to my chest, toying with the long nails as we laid there, the chill in the room avoiding us in our cosy little hovel. I still needed to clean up, our clothes were all over the floor and the packaging from the food I'd ordered the previous day still sitting in a pile on the desk.

I didn't get up though, happy and cosy, liking the feel of the muscular arm wrapped around me.

"I should get up..." I hummed.

He pressed a kiss to my ear and I smiled. "Get up then." He said, but I knew he didn't expect me to move.

I shifted slightly and his arm tightened around my middle. "Let me get up then." I laughed.

"No." He frowned, pulling me back flush against him. My legs fitting nicely against his legs I quickly was able to feel his member pressing up against the small of my back.

"Anubis..." I frowned, just the feel of it making my cock twitch, the tired abused thing still willing to get chubby for him. "If you fuck me again so close in succession I'm going to fall apart."

He kissed the back of my head. "I'll put you back together again." He promised.

I laughed, but I was tender and exhausted and wasn't willing to be wringed dry so soon since the last activity, as much as I wanted to let him do whatever he wanted I got the sure feeling that if I left it entirely up to him we wouldn't leave this bed and I would be used until I was raw and unable to think of anything else.

"I feel like we've been having sex straight since two weeks ago. At some point a guy's gotta breathe." I patted his leg and moved away, turning to lay on my back.

He got up, landing a heavy hand down on the mattress on the other side of me as he moved to hover over me.

I looked up at his magnificent handsome form, perfect in every way, a couple strands of hair brushing my shoulder.

"If you weren't so deliciously sexy when I fuck you, you would make it a lot easier for me to stop." He said, a smirk colouring his face.

I blushed, patting his chest, the muscle on it seeming a little more defined that usual, perhaps form the way the light was hitting his body from the side through the blinds. "I'm still surprised it can... be so... nice."

He snickered. "Nice." He mocked me.

I flushed darker. "I mean... I've been with other men, like that, like with Zack, but it was never..." I swallowed partially from embarrassment and also because the mocking smile was quickly turning into a darker, more grim expression as I spoke. "It wasn't ever this good with him..." I trailed off.

His look quickly look on a more intimidating, sharper edge. "I don't see any reason to mention his name. Even if you are appreciating how little had to offer by comparison. Keep his name from your lips." He hissed.

I laughed nervously working my way around the dark aura he gave off when he was irritated, running my hands down his chest and settling them on his biceps. "I... Okay." I said. "Sorry."

Looking up at him made me happy, even when he was annoyed, there was a feeling of wholesomeness looking up at his form above me, crowding me.

Which is why I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the doorbell sound.

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