Epilogue: Part II

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"Find my body?"

He seemed so lost. Ahh, curses. I reached out a slightly damp hand for him to take hold of.

"You need to find it, then we can say goodbye to it."

I knew he was easily freaked out. He'd feel better once he saw that he was dead and started to understand the natural progression of things.

"Why?" He asked, looking adorably confused, but he did accept my hand and didn't complain as he sort of drifted while making the motion to get up off of the floor.

He didn't seem to understand that he was floating and still made a walking motion, feet hovering above the ground, as he followed me to the door.

"We spend a lot of time in our bodies, it's going to freak anyone out that we're suddenly not in it anymore."

"So this... this isn't a dream?" The more I spoke to him the more he seemed to calm down. Maybe it was being ignored and unseen that was scaring him so much.

I nodded. "You don't remember anything then?"

He shook his head. "Sort of... it's fuzzy..."

He kept his hand wrapped around mine but occasionally it came loose, or rather it sank through it.

I imagined it was physical, imagined the feel of his fingers wrapped lightly around mine and how they would grip then after a while. The feeling materialised and he was able to hold on properly suddenly. He gasped and kept his eyes trained on our hands as we left the toilet.

The workday was already over, I should have left half an hour ago but I'd needed the toilet before I was going to head off.

"Alright." I said to him as we left the building.

His eyes were wide as he watched me, inhumanly wide and yet still expressing the same emotion. He looked perplexed and confused.

"What's the last place you remember leaving it?"

"My body?"

"Yeah. Did you have a time where you got hurt bad and then woke up feeling fine and left."

He nodded emphatically, still floating as he drifted in front of me. "That's what happened."

"Right, and you know you died right?" I said, to make sure.

"I don't think so..."


"I said, I don't think I did?"

I pinched my nose. "You did. You died. I'm telling you that you did." Then I raised an eyebrow. "Unless people in a coma can go all Casper the ghost ..."

I looked the pretty boy up and down.

"Well either way let's assume you died."

He frowned, looking down and back up again. "I don't have legs." He said slowly. They were there, but I assumed he meant he wasn't using his legs to walk.

I nodded, patting him on the back, making it solid so it connected the second time.

"Where did you get hurt?" I asked.

He turned and looked around and then pointed towards the trees outside the office block, they were behind a barbed wire fence and it trespassed the property of the factory grounds that started next door.

I hummed. "Not far away then?"

He nodded.

My workplace was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It was in a half residential, half factory area and there wasn't a whole much to look at. Cheap rent though, and that was what was important for the company.

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