I Still Think Your Beautiful

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~Iris POV~

I walk down the stairs to where Vic was standing with the only nice lady in the system.

"Hey ready to go baby girl" Vic asks me with concerns in his eyes.

I just simply nod. I know I can trust him enough to talk, but I'm afraid I'll say something wrong and he'll get rid of me like the piece of trash I am.

Vic takes my suitcase and bag and we walk out of the foster home to his car. He puts my stuff in the back, while I hop into the passenger side.

I know Vic probably knows my issues since he legally needs to know because he adopted me. I just hope he's understanding and isn't gonna treat me like shit like the foster dad's I've had in the past. But he also writes music about this kinda stuff for a living, so I doubt he's gonna disown me or something.

Vic goes in the drivers kid and starts the car. It wasn't awkward silence, just quiet. That is in till Vic starts to talk.

"We are going home and the guys are gonna be their so you can meet them. We are gonna spend some time home, but we go to warped in a couple weeks. You can go or stay home, but I prefer you come with us so I know your safe" He says while glancing at me and then back at the road.

"Okay I will probably come with, depending on how much the guys lime me. and umm did the people at the foster home tell you about me. Like my past and problems?" I knew they did, I just wanted to know his point of view on it.

"Yeah sweetie they told me about your problems. Which I want to tell

you that the guys and I are gonna be there for you one hundred percent of the time through this. She didn't tell me about your past though because she thinks you should be the one to tell me when you trust me enough. And I'm not gonna force you okay. I just want you to know I'm always hear to listen to whatever you have to say."

"Thanks dad" Is say with a smile on my face. A huge smile spreads across Vic's face as we pull up to a house. When it was more like a mansion.

"This is the band house. And don't worry the guys can't wait to meet you." seeing the nervousness on my face.

Dad and I get out of the car and go to the trunk to get my stuff. I go to grab my bag, but my dad beats me to it. I just shrug my shoulders as I follow my dad up the path to thedoor.

All of the sudden I get really shy. I'm afraid that these guys won't like me or my weak tired out voice. Dad opens the door and sets the bags by the door, while I hide behind him.

"Guys were home and I brought someone you would like to meet"

All the guys run down the stairs, Jaime almost falling in the process while I try to hold back laughter.

"Okay Iris this is Mike, Jaime, and

Tony. Guys this is my daughter Iris"

Mike comes up to me first and pulls me into a hug. "Hey you can call me uncle mike, and I'm gonna be the cool uncle" he pull away from the hug, and, next Tony comes over to me.

He just pulls me into a hug and whispers "you don't have to be scared around us sweetie. I have anxiety too, but you don't have to be scared we aren't gonna judge you." I smile and hug Tony tighter and whisper a faint "okay" in his ear. He

pulls back with a soft smile on his face, and steps aside so Jaime can Greet me.

Next thing I know I'm being picked up and twirled around. "Hey iris I'm The fun uncle that will always cheer everyone up!" I let out a soft giggle as he sets me down on my feet.

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