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Long ago, in the 1950, in Hogwarts, there was a blonde young man, who is a pure blood who fell in love with a half-blood girl.

The girl, who is a half-blood. Her father is a pure blood while her mother is a muggle.

When the lovers both graduated from Hogwarts, they planned to get married. But before they do, they must get their parents blessings.

"No. I don't agree with this relationship."
"But why father? Just because the lover of my life is half-blood, doesn't mean you get to control my life!" The boy exclaimed.

"Do not raise your voice at me!"

"Your father's right, my dear."

"Is it because of the blood status?! How's that going to affect our family?!" the boy shouted yet again.

"It will affect our family because she's not pure-blood! Our family, our ancestors, they're all pure-bloods!" The father shouted.

"Her father is a pure-blood. What's the difference?" The boy asked.

"He's a blood traitor! He married a mudblood."

"And what's wrong with that?! I just don't get the both of you! I don't have to listen to you! I'm going to marry her, whether you like it or not!" The boy stormed out and headed to his room and locked it.

"Mother, father, um...how should I say this?"
"What's in your mind, my dear?"

The girl took a deep breath and looked at her parents.

"My boyfriend asked me to marry him." She said.

"That's wonderful!" Her mother said.

The girl looked down, disappointed.

"Darling, it's not like I don't like him. We all like him, but it's just..."

"His parents. I know. They don't like us." She said.

"Correct. But honestly, I don't approve."

"Why father?" The girl said as her voice started to choke.

"His parents...well, they're pure blood maniacs. Meaning they like to be around pure-bloods rather than half-bloods and muggleborns." He said.

"But, if I married him. Things will change." The girl said.

"I doubt it. His parents are strict. I'm sorry, but the answer is no."

"Henry! They're in love." The mother said.
"I know but it's not a good idea. And you're not allowed to see him again."

The girl cried and ran off to her room and cried.
Few weeks later, the boy and the girl have not seen each other because of their parents orders. They even locked themselves in their rooms.

They boy decided to sneak out and went to his lovers window.

The girl was desperate and she has dark eye bags. She then noticed a figure, she realized it was her lover. She smiled for the first time in weeks.

The boy smiled as well and gestured her to come down.

She opened the window and threw a rope out of her window and met him, with a hug.

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