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Two weeks had passed since Draco's stroll through Diagon alley.
He had been back at school for a week, avoiding everyone, walking to classes with ease and silence.. not speaking a word to anyone with an exception of his professors.

Blaise tried countless times to talk to him, but Draco simply turned away.
They shared a dorm together after all, which made for silent and lonely nights.
Blaise swore he heard Draco crying once he had thought he went to sleep.
Blaise didn't mention this. He didn't feel the need to.

Rumors eventually faded surrounding Draco's disappearance. They figured if there was no way in finding the truth, there was no use talking about it.

Draco didn't think about finding a new desire book, there was no use in dwelling on it, when there was no way he could get ahold of one.

He did however, still have his plan to speak to Gellert.. that didn't change.

He went into the room of requirement only once to rummage through the old books, after searching for a total of ten minutes, he gave up.

He didn't think his life could get any lonelier.

He decided to take a stroll through the castle, gone midnight.

He started in the hospital wing, gazing out the window, this was the only place in the castle that held light during the late hours of the night.
The moon shone directly to the middle of the room, where Draco would sit, pondering.

Once he had finished in there, he made his way to the astronomy tower, looking over the edge.
He remembered his dream, was this his fate?
Would he end up heralding towards the ground?

That was until it started raining, and with that he remembered you, it wasn't his time to give up, not now.
There was so much he didn't know, so much he wanted to find out.

He sat watching the rain

I love to listen to the rain, it calms me. It makes you think about our world on the wide spectrum of things. Those raindrops are so small, each one falling at the right pace, rhythm to create a sound. I like to think of myself as that raindrop. Falling, feeling like I'm going to hit the ground any second. Feeling so small compared to everything around me.
But that raindrop exists in a world that both of us live in.
So next time you see that raindrop, hear that raindrop, or feel it fall on you. Just think of me.

He repeated in his head.

He felt a small tap on his left shoulder, he didn't turn around. He didn't have a care in knowing who it was. He supposed it was professor Filch, here to tell him to go back to his dorm.

"You look lonely.." a girls voice spoke.

Draco turned to see Cordelia Fern, a fourth year Hufflepuff.

Draco didn't respond.

"They are worried about you you know.." she spoke again.

"Who" Draco firmly answered, not caring, but somewhat intrigued by the girl also standing on the astronomy tower after hours.

"Everyone.. the school" she replied.

"Yeah well so am I" Draco responded.

"Look I don't know what happened to you, nor does it matter.. but you're fading away. I always admired how head strong you were. How you didn't care about others opinions. You were powerful."

That word triggered something in Draco


As his father used to command him to be.

"I don't know what that word means" he scolded.

The girl let go of the conversation at hand.

"What are you doing up here?" She questioned.

"I could ask you the same thing" Draco turned his head to her this time, making somewhat eye contact for a few seconds.

"I come up here to read, it's the quietest place in the castle." She raised the book in her left hand.

"I've never seen you here before.." he trailed off.

"That's because I've only started doing it recently, you haven't been here.. you know.. recently." She explained, not wanting to offend him.

"I'll leave you to it then" he started walking away.

"I'll see you here, tomorrow?" She asked, hoping to be a friend to him, she knew he needed it.

Draco didn't respond, he simply walked back to his dorm. Slowly, recapping the first conversation he had in weeks.. he knew he was going back, he just didn't want her to know that.

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