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"Funny isn't it?"
"The fact you're so devoted to this girl"
"Devoted is a big word"
"You know as well as I do how that word can be perceived"

Draco scurried through the halls, trying to get to his classroom before Snape locked the door, he passed Pansy. Who's hair got seemingly shorter from the last time Draco saw her, or at least paid any sort of attention to her.

She shot him a quick smile, and gradually opened her mouth, as if she were about to say something.
Draco ignored this and continued frantically walking to his class.

As he snuck in, the door quickly slammed behind him, as if to say he was in fact late.

"Malfoy" Snape sternly said. "Professor Snape" he replied, taking his seat. "Why don't you tell us what I would get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Draco looked around, seeing almost everyone staring at him. He knew the answer, but replying was not in his best interest.

"Pity" Snape snapped.
Moving on with the rest of his class.

Draco looked around once more, his eyes landing on the girl he had met on the astronomy tower last night. She had been in his class this whole time, but he had never noticed. She shot him a look, somewhat saying it's okay.

He looked back down at his books and began frantically writing.

Once the class was over Draco was the first to leave the class, not long before feeling a hand pulling him back. He knew who it was.

"Draco" Cordelias voice echoed. "Yeah?" Draco replied, continuing to walk. "I know what you're looking for!" Cordelia squealed, which caused Draco to stop himself and turn around.

"What?" He questioned, how could she know anything about what has been going on. "The desire book.." She trailed off. "What do you know about it?" Draco asked. "I know your looking for it, and by the looks of it you definitely need some help."

"How do you.." Draco thought for a second, "you're the book keepers daughter."

"Guilty" she said scared of his reaction, "so are you going to let me help you or what?"

"I don't need help" Draco briefly said, and continued walking. Cordelia began to pick up the pace. "I don't see it in your hand" she remarked, Draco didn't respond. "I have connections" she spoke again, still not catching Dracos attention.

What kind of connections would a Hufflepuff have with Gellert Grindelwald
Draco thought to himself.

He thought she'd still be behind him, but just like that she was gone.

No one else can help me, I have to help myself.

Draco hurried back to his dorm room, he wasn't there for long. Blaise was studying, as usual.

"Hey" Blaise said, not expecting to get a response. "I can't talk" Draco said frantically packing his suitcase consisting of about 5 items, one of them including his broom. This caught Blaises eye, he stood up and stood directly in front of Draco.

"You're not seriously thinking of pulling something again" he was disappointed. "You don't know anything about me Blaise, not anymore. I don't want to stay here in this school with you, this place sucks the life out of me." Draco responded, not wanting to say the real reason he was packing up.

"You really don't learn do you?" Draco didn't answer, he simply got up and left.

As Draco was walking out of the castle, he saw Cordelia again, holding her broom, running after him.

"Go away Cordelia" Draco angrily spoke. "I'm coming with you." This caused Draco to laugh, "I don't think so."

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