Chapter One: ______ Villain x-reader

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Y/N L/N was strolling the crowded streets when she spotted a suspicious man in an alleyway, pushing a woman against a brick wall. The man wore a navy blue mask that hid all but his red eyes and dark, navy blue hair, that were filled with pain and revenge. Y/N bolted towards the two, certain that the man had bad intentions towards the woman. As if on cue, the woman cried out for help as the man put a knife to her throat.

The man was about to slice the woman's throat when Y/N came in, jumping up with her right leg pointed straight out in front of her as she kicked the man off of the woman. "Please go to the police station and report what happened mam. I'll take care of things here."

The woman ran away as fast as she could in the direction of the police station as Y/N focused her attention back on the man. As she saw him up close, she realized that he must be a teenage boy, not a lustful man who was desperate to get in a woman's pants.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous vigilante here to save the day." The boy smirked in a mocking manner as he started to stalk towards Y/N.

Y/N scoffs, "Is that little waltz of yours supposed to intimidate me?"

The man's smirk dropped as a murderous look consumed his face. "I don't waltz!" Spat the man as he launched his fist at Y/N's face, but Y/N dodged with ease, countering with a lethal kick into the man's side. Followed by his sensitive region down below and elbowing him in the face to knock the man to the ground. Just then, sirens were heard by both individuals and Y/N hurried up the fire escape to the top of the brick building and watched the man be arrested from above.

A slight smile appeared on Y/N's face as she ran across the top of the buildings, heading towards her home. When she reached her apartment building she climbed down the fire escape to her bedroom window and silently climbed inside her room.

Y/N examined her room while removing her black tennis shoes she wore when she went out at night. She saw her F/C comforter and white pillows perfectly set upon her bed. Y/N smiled at his/her mom always making her bed when she went to school.

Y/N's mom was asleep in the room across the hall as Y/N made their way down the hall to the kitchen to get a snack. It has been two years since their father passed away and left their mom and them with little money to live on. In order to earn money for their family, Y/N became a vigilante, turning in criminals every night with a family friend who was a detective at the police station, that would assign Y/N with cases and pay him/her for his/her work. She/He was kind of like an agent for the police, but the public called him/her as a vigilante.

Y/N grabbed an apple from the bowl that rested in the middle of the kitchen table. He/She finished their apple after a couple minutes and threw the core into the trash before heading back to their room. Y/N fell asleep with the sound of crickets chirping outside their window.

The sun shone in on Y/N from the window as he/she twisted in their bed, trying to grasp onto a few more seconds of sleep. Unfortunately, Y/N's mom knocked on the door, semi-shouting, "Y/N! Get up! You'll be late for school!"

^Outfits that he/she chose^

After getting dressed, Y/N made their way to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Her/His mom made scrambled eggs and vegan bacon, one of Y/N's favorites. "What's the occasion mom? You only make this when it's a special day.." Y/N said as he/she piled the fox onto their own plays to scarf down at the table.

"Well... um...." her/his mom stumbled on their words, fitting with their hands as she was clearly nervous to say what she wanted to say.

"It's okay, mom. Whatever it is, I will always love and support you" Y/N smiled at their mom warmly as to comfort her.

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