He's gone now

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Meichi: goodbye you guys.

Hawks: NO MEICHI!!

Deku: Shut up Birdbrain. *clImbs onto Meichi's back*

Meichi: S-sir... I can't hold you...

Deku: Deal with it.

Meichi: yes sir. *wraps silk around them* jumps out of the window*

Hawks: MEICHI!

Meichi: *flying higher, passing the window* thinking* all I need to do is get to the top of this building and fall. Then this will all be over.

Deku: I thought this was hard for you.

Meichi: it is sir, but, I'm dealing with it as you said.

Deku: good girl.

*in the hospital room*

Hawks: nonononononononononononono NO! She can't do this! Shigaraki any luck?

Shigaraki: almost. Please calm down.

Hawks: I'm sorry I'm trying...

Shigaraki: *manages to untie his glove* Decays the silk* there

Hawks: Thank god! *runs to the window* where is she?

Dabi: look up.

Hawks: *looks up and sees her*

*with Meichi and Deku*

Meichi: one-second sir *shoots silk at the window of her room so hawks cant help*

Deku: good idea, brat.

Meichi: yes sir. *continues flying upwards*

Deku why are we going this high?

Meichi: to give us better cover sir.

Deku: Don't try to pull any shit up here.

Meichi: ...

Deku: answer me.

Meichi: about what sir?

Deku: What are you really taking us up here for?

Meichi: you'll see.

Deku: Meichi, I will hurt you, what are we doing?

Meichi: I'll show you. *stops flapping her wings letting them fall* turns in the air so Deku is under her*

Deku: what the hell are you doing?! You're going to get us killed!

Meichi: what do you think the point is?

*with hawks, Shigaraki, and Dabi*

Hawks: *trying to break the silk* Shigaraki! Please help me!

Shigaraki: no.

Hawks: what! why not?!

Shigaraki: she has a better plan than that. She picked this building for a reason I know it. Hawks come here. You need to calm down. I know your hero instincts are kicking in but try not to think about it. *goes over to hawks and hugs him, trying to send positive energy to him*

Dabi: *joins the hug* she'll be okay.

Hawks: but how? This is a 33 story building!

Shigaraki: *pulls away from the hug and goes to look out the window* she's letting them fall...

Hawks: see! I told you! Please! Help me save her.

Shigaraki: you didn't let me finish. She may be letting them fall, but she's positioning them so he'll hit the ground first, breaking her fall, and most likely killing him.

*Meichi passes the window, and they all manage to catch her wink*

Hawks: now decay the silk, please! I won't help her, but I want to see what she's doing.

Shigaraki: Promise?

Hawks: I do.

Shigaraki: alright. *decays silk *

Hawks: *leans out the window just in time to see them hit the concrete*

*a/n I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while my computer was having issues and I have school. I'll try to post more often. I might write a new story. I'm not sure what it will be about though if u have any ideas please comment :) *

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