She wouldn't... Would she?

4 1 0

Meichi: *starts crying softly*

*in the hall*

Hawks: I left a feather in there with her. If it senses any more fear from her, it'll come back out.

Shigaraki: but, what if-

Hawks: positive thinking, please! Okay! I might seem calm, but ever since I found her, I've bacically been having a constant panic attack! And- *hears Meichi scream*

*The Feather came out immediately and almost stabbed Dabi in the eye*

Dabi: shit! *doges the feather, and trys to open the door* it isn't opening!

H+S: you're kidding, right?!

Dabi: No! come on Shigaraki your thing!

Shigaraki: *decays door* freezes*

Dabi: Deku? How in fuck...?

Hawks: get away from her now you phyco.

Deku: it took you long enough. Shadows, mind taking care of them for me?

*shadows slither up there legs and force there way into there mouths* all three scream in pain and fall to their knees*

Meichi: *in a scratchy strained voice* NO! Please don't hurt them! *gets up and starts going to them, but pauses, flicking on the lights*

Deku: *hisses in pain* ya' know, you won't be able to help much right? All your doing now is being a nuisance.

Meichi: Please stop. Take me and leave them alone.

Deku: oh, look at you protecting you friends, when you wouldn't even bother to help your own father.

Meichi: *looks down at her feet*

Hawks: he wasn't a very good one if you ask m-

Deku: *worsens his pain* be quiet bird brain.

Meichi: please stop! Just take me and lets go!

Deku: Are you going to try to escape?

Meichi: n-no.

Deku: then lets go. *opens the window* you'll be carrying me down.

Meichi: Dad-

Deku: you are no longer aloud to call me that. You'll now address me as sir.

Meichi: yes sir. Sir I can't feel my wings. Holding them up so they don't drag on the floor is draining, so trying to fly with me alone would be hard enough, let alone holding someone twice my size.

Deku: well you better try hard. Drop me and die.

Meichi: yes sir. I wont go till you stop hurting them. I-I'll wrap them in silk so they cant follow us.

Deku: fine you better hurry.

Meichi: *goes to them and wraps them in silk.* Sir, can I have a moment with them? I want to say good bye.

Deku: Pfft, whatever. I'll be waiting on the balcony. Don't try telling them where we're going, cuz we aren't going to be staying here.

Meichi: yes sir. Um please release them.

Deku: whatever *releases them from his quirk* walks out to the hallway*

Meichi: im sorry you guys. I-I'll miss you. *crying again*

Hawks: songbird, you can't do this! We cant help you if we cant find you! Just fake it!

Meichi: fake what? Going with him?

Dabi: fly as high as you can and drop him.

Meichi: i- I can't

D+S+H: why not!

Meichi: hes going to make me use my silk has a harness, so even if I do drop him, he might e able to figure out a way to use the silk to stick to something, the he'll really kill me.

Shigaraki: shes right.

Meichi: don't worry about me guys. I know its hard, but ill be with you again soon okay? *hugs them, and give them each a kiss on the cheek*

Hawks: what do you mean? You'll try to escape?

Meichi: in a way.

Hawks: *trying to keep her with them so he can guess what she means* wait, can I give you something?

Meichi: sure.

Hawks: Okay sit in front of me and make a strand of silk.

Meichi: okay *does as shes told*

Hawks: okay give me a second. *thinking* here tie this to it. *give her a feather* thinks about it more*

Meichi: thank you hawks. I love it. *ties the necklace around her neck* smiles sadly at them*

Hawks: still thinking about what she meant* realizes* eyes widen* Meichi no! *starts to try to get out of the silk* no Meichi you can't! please don't! Let us go and we'll help you! *starts crying*

Meichi: remember our deal? I don't want help.

Hawks: Meichi please don't do it!

Meichi: *gets up* goodbye. I love you guys. *starts walking to deku*


Dabi: Keigo what did she mean?!

Hawks: shes... gonna...

Shigaraki: *realizes* no you don't mean...

Hawks: I do we need to get out of these!

Shigaraki: I cant get my glove off!

Dabi: Wait... *figures it out* no... she wouldn't.

Meichi: *walks in with deku, going to the window*

H+S: don't go! Meichi!

Dabi: Meichi: you aren't really, going too...?

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