Chapter 1

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"I hope you girls are excited for your first day of high school." Chaud couldn't help it as he suddenly ruffled Kiara's hair. While she didn't seem to mind that much, her oldest sister quickly came over and smacked his hand away.

"What are you doing! I just did her hair earlier!" His eyes widened as he recoiled back a few steps. He wasn't afraid that she was going to physically hurt him in any way, but he also did not want to deal with her rants about how he doesn't care about the effort she puts into doing their two youngest sibling's hair.

"Sorry Grace! But it's almost time for you guys to go, you should probably fix her hair again quickly, anyway, it's time for me to take Lila to school. Bye!" He quickly kissed Grace on the forehead and didn't give her anytime to respond before walking straight past her and grabbing their baby sister by the arm.

"Wait! My breakfast!" Was a whine that was heard from the twelve-year-old as she was being slightly dragged, but right after Chaud told her he would buy something on the way there.

"Wow, that was fast." Kylie couldn't help but laugh as Grace shook her head.

"He just doesn't appreciate my work. Well, anyway, Kiara, don't let anyone else mess up your hair okay?" She walked up to the younger of the two girls in front of her and started to lightly rake her fingers through her hair. Styling her hair every morning always brought her a small peace because she never complained and just let her do whatever she wanted.. . unlike her twin sister.

"Please don't take forever, I wanna get going!" Kylie whined before she sighed when she was glared at and then ignored.

It took Grace about five more minutes before she was satisfied with Kiara's hair, and when she finished she smiled down at the girl. "There! Now you look as cute as ever!"

Kiara grinned back and nodded, "Thanks Gracie." The simple nickname was all it took for the older girl to suddenly cover her face and internally gush to herself. As soon as they saw her face though both of the twins shared a sudden look and Kylie grabbed Kiara's hand quickly to pull her out of the house.

"Yeah, you continue your little freak out while we head off okay? Great!" She didn't wait for any acknowledgement and then slammed the door. She let go of her sister's hand as soon as they were outside of their house gate and looked up at the sky while blindly walking forward, completely trusting her twin to keep her from crashing into anyone and anything.

"Hey Kiara, it's our first day of highschool." She stated and her sister hummed in silent agreement.

"We made it into Highview Institute." All she got was another hum.

"We're gonna be heroes." There was a light and kind of emotional tone to her voice when she said that and when she looked down just to look at her sister, the younger twin couldn't help but give a verbal response with a proud smile.

"We are." They walked in silence for about three more minutes before Kylie suddenly stopped in her place which made Kiara stop too.

"What's wrong?" Kiara didn't look or sound too concerned as she asked but Kylie didn't seem to hear her anyway.

"We forgot to get that idiot! He's probably still asleep! Dang it, we're gonna be late if we have to wait for him!" And she didn't give any other warning before running off quickly around a corner.

Kiara almost chased after her, but then she weighed her options and ultimately decided not to. She wasn't worried, her sister was gonna be fine, at most she would just be a few minutes late. With that in mind, she continued on her way to school.

Kylie on the other hand continued her fast pace to the familiar house that was down the block from their own.

"Why did I promise to wait for him! I should've just told him to make it on his own time!" As she was yelling and running the few people who were on the streets this early in the morning were giving her crazy looks, but it didn't bother her in the slightest.

To her luck she made it in front of the door in only a minute, but right before she could knock (or more likely bang), it flew open and she was face to face with the very person she was yelling about.

"It's about time you came back. I watched you and Kiara walk right by the house and I wondered how long it would take before you remembered to pick me up." In front of her stood her best friend Milo who had light green skin, messy dark brown hair and an annoyingly cocky smirk on his face that showed his fangs as he stared down at her. Her face heated up in embarrassment as she realized that meant he played her. She quickly punched him in the chest, not caring as his eyes widened and he took two steps back to stable himself while he let out a puff of air.

"You're such a jerk, me and Kiara could've kept going and you could've just joined us."

After regaining his posture he stood up and walked outside, closing and locking the door behind him. "Well, where's the fun in that?"

"Not fun, but it is practical."

"Now does that sound like me?" When he asked that Kylie couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"No, I suppose it doesn't. Anyway, it looks like Kiara left us to the birds." Kylie adjusted the beanie on her head and glanced at the slightly taller male who shrugged.

"Well, that means she's gonna miss out."

"Miss out on what?"

"Me completely destroying you in a race to school!" As soon as he finished his sentence he took off running in the direction of the school. It was about a 20-minute walk from their house, but if they ran they could definitely make it in half the time.

Kylie took off running right after him, "Oh you little cheater! I can't believe you just did that!"

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