Two: Complicated Feelings

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This story will mostly alternate between Sophie and keefe's pov but other's POV might be there too. So I present to you Keefe's pov! Enjoy the chapter!

Keefe's POV

"If you don't like working for the neverseens' then why don't you quit? You could join the blackswan.. you definitely have skills," Sophie suggested. Her brown eyes shined as her golden flecks seemed to glow in the evening sky. Keefe had never seen such warm brown eyes like Sophie's. Actually it has been a while since Keefe actually saw a face, everyone in the neverseen hid behind their hoodies. Well everyone except mommy dearest.. but who wants to see her face?

Keefe then thought about what Sophie said about quitting the neverseen. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about it- of course he did! Neverseen hideout isn't exactly what you call a home. But it wasn't as easy as Sophie made it sound, she was adorably optimistic. Keefe shook his head, why was he thinking Sophie was cute? She was but Keefe didn't like her.. nope. He did not like Sophie foster.

To get his mind fixed he decided to take a stroll around the neverseen hideout and who knows prank someone, dig out secrets- the usual. His first stop was alvar's room, alvar was the only good guy in the neverseen. Keefe wasn't sure whether to call him a good guy as he is the key to getting info about blackswan as both his younger siblings are part of the blackswan. But even so he wasn't as insane as the other members, besides he actually had a sense of humor which was hard to find these days. He walked into Alvar's room to see his room messy, all his belongings were scattered around the room. Keefe raised an eyebrow at him.

Alvar grinned, "sorry for the mess. Come in! I was just rearranging that kinda stuff." Keefe nodded before plopping down on Alvar's bed. "So what's up? I guess it isn't a talk about any pranks," Alvar guessed.

"No.. not exactly.. alvar.. have you ever been in uh.. love?" Keefe asked.

Alvar stopped and burst out laughing. "This is hilarious!! The famous Hunky Hair has a crush?!" Alvar said bursting out laughing. Keefe turned red.

"I do not have a crush!" Keefe protested.

"Sure, sure. So who is the lucky girl?" Alvar asked.

"I. Do. Not. Have. A. Crush." Keefe repeated.

Alvar sighned. "If that's how you want to play, fine. As for your question.." Alvar picked up a big bag and dumped it in front of Keefe. Keefe peered inside to see thousands of love letters.

"Woah.." Keefe whispered, clearly impressed.

Alvar grinned. "I used to be the most popular boy back in my days. All the girls feel for me. And these I just started collecting since high school. I have way more back in my house." Alvar explained.

"That's awesome Alvar!" Keefe told him.

Alvar smiled. "But these girls just had a crush on me because I was popular and I never really had true love.. so honestly I am as clueless as you as to what love really is," Alvar said. "But I have heard that you know you have a true love if you can't get that person out of your head, you can be yourself with them, you feel like telling them everything- even stuff you never told anyone else. And.. you feel the need to protect them. If you feel all this with this girl, Keefe she is your girl." Alvar told him.

Keefe thanked Alvar before heading out, Keefe honestly didn't know why he asked about love to Alvar. Hadn't he come to clear his mind? Looked like his mind wouldn't be clear anytime soon..

He went back to his room to find a letter waiting for him on top of his bed.

"Huh? What's this? My own love letter?" Keefe joked, but he obviously knew it wasn't. Because no one knew the neverseen hideout's location and Keefe doubted any neverseen member knew what love even is. It was a letter from his mom, that was the way she communicated with her son nowadays. Good old mommy dearest..

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