DORM 017

230 8 2

Cupsofscoops added: @handsomechristian

handsomechristian: i can confirm that all the rumors of my relationship with @coupofscoop are false. i am still single.

handsomechristian added: @prettyangel

prettyangel: @Cupsofscoops @handsomechristian is not a serial killer.

Cupsofscoops: why the fuck are these your first words?

Cupsofscoops has added: @smolJi and @pizzagavemelife

handsomechristian: I thought it was funny and relevant.

Prettyangel: wtf are these users? 💀

pizzagavemelife: ooo! Omg! Hi everyone! 😍

smolJi: that stupid kid Hansol has a new phone.

smolJi: and he's making me teach him how to use the app

Cupsofscoops has added: @boohoo, @princeofchinaJun, @vernsol and @KingofchinaMinghao

Vernsol: hi guys, my name is Hansol and I'm a freshman. 🤘🏻

SmolJi: i was gonna change my user, but i forgot.

kingofchinaMinghao: i don't have time for this shit, i'm in a middle of a game.

prettyangel: are you guys playing fortnite?

princeofchinaJun: Yes we are.

princeofchinaJun: I'm trying to get a legendary weapon.

Cupsofscoops: did I forget anyone?

Prettyhan: check the list. 🤷‍♂️

Cupsofscoops: I think that's it!

Vernsol: wow! There are a lot of people in our dorm. 😯

smolji: this is stupid

Cupsofscoops: never mind. I lied

Cupsofscoops added: @woowannahoo, @dino,@samulala and @handsomekorea1

dino: hi

smolJi: oh my god

woowannahoo: oh.


princeofchinaJun: Mingyu

prettyangel: why did you add the slut? 💀

cupsofscoops: slut? Mingyu is on our roaster, please all be nice to each other!

woowannahoo: oh

handsomechristian: wait a minute

handsomechristian: are those the freshies from the dorm next to us?

handsomekorea1: I just got here and mfs already on dick🫶

princeofchinajun: shut the hell up

Dino: hi!

boohoo: hi, hansol's boyfriend

boohoo: wait


Vernsol: how do you mix that up!! ??

handsomekorea1: lmfaooooooo

samulala: I don't think I should be here?? I'm in middle school‼️😟

princeofchinaJun: middle school? 💀

princeofchinaJun: aren't we supposed to have a password for these chats?

DORM 017 : SEVENTEEN group chat au Where stories live. Discover now