DORMs 01

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SmolJi: good morning, don't put my little brother in jail ☝️

Cupofsoups: Okay, listen up. Before I go to my meeting with the principal, we need to come up with a plan. If they ran away from the cops then obviously the principal is looking for them 🤦‍♂️

handsomechristian: A plan? Like, how to survive prison? 💀

Dino: More like how to survive the wrath of Choel when he comes back from that meeting. 😬

boohoo: I suggest we hide all evidence of our existence. Change our usernames, dye our hair, switch schools.

vernsol: Or we could just blame everything on samuel . He's a middle schooler, they'll go easy on him. 🤘🏻

smolJi: Samuel barely knows how to use this app, let alone start a fire. Try again.

Woowannahoo: how did y'all even get a middle school involved? 😟

Princeofchinajun:  and my baby too

kingofchinaMinghao: I'm logging off

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kingofchinaMinghao: I'm logging off. I have a game to finish and no interest in dealing with this nonsense.

princeofchinaJun: Sure, hide behind your game. We'll handle the real-life problems. 🙄

KingofchinaMinghao: SILENCE ☝️ peasant. This is not a real life problem 💀

Vernsol: Guys, seriously, what are we going to do? If we get expelled, my parents are going to kill me.

Samulala: Yeah, my mom's already threatening to send me to military school if I don't shape up. GUYS IM ONLY 15 please 🙏

Prettyhan: 15 in middle school? 🤨

Dino: And I don't even want to think about what my grandma will say when she finds out. She still thinks I'm an angel.

Samulala: No way, we're not giving up that easily. We'll fight this until the end.

Boohoo: Pfff- what? 😭

Vernsol: Yeah, we're a team, and we'll get through this together.

Handsomechristran: this is not a kdrama, this is arson? 💀

SmolJi: Can someone please add me back again, I accidentally left. 😭 @dino

Pizzasavedmylife: Dino, just stay in the chat! We don't have time for your attention-seeking antics.

vernsol: You know, if we all just agree to a story and stick to it, we might survive this.

SmolJi: added @dino

Dino: Yeah, like how we miraculously turned into heroes who saved the school from burning down? 🤨

Samulala: Oh, definitely. Let's just conveniently forget about the part where we almost burned it down in the first place.

DORM 017 : SEVENTEEN group chat au Where stories live. Discover now