*chapter twenty*

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Sal, drove to her sister's house feeling very determined. She was not going to let some man steal what should belong to her .

The crown was hers , she was born to be queen. She rode for a while til she came to a big mansion .

Her sister was married to a minister , she lived lavishly as you can imagine . When the guards saw her , they immediately let her in .

She went in and found her sister in the living room, letting the maids massage her feet .

" Sister" she called softly and  immediately began to sob . Amaya, looked up only to see her beloved little sister .

" Who bullied you?" She immediately questioned, Sal, ran to her sister and hugged her .

" Sister someone is trying to take my crown from me" she sobbed, Amaya's eyes turned dark at that . " Who is so bold?" .

" There is a man in the palace who came from nowhere, he came with his wife who is now his ex-wife, the princes love him sister ".

Amaya, looked at her baby sister in distress, how dare a man try and steal what belongs to her little sister. Ever since the girl was born they all doted on her .

Now someone was trying to make her sad, no way , she would not allow it . " Don't worry sister will think of a plan , I'll also ask your brother in law for help ".

While the sisters were scheming, Vishnu, was on the phone with Luan, with Adnan, in his arms .

" Mama, my school is going to close soon and I want to come there , can I please mama?" She asked cutely.

"I don't see why not baby girl , just find someone to come with you okay " the little girl nodded happily .

" Big brother wait for me okay " she said to Adnan, " ofcause I'll wait , I'll tell the servants to fix up a beautiful room for you " he promised .

" Yay, big brother is the best " she said then looked around as if to see something through the phone .

" Mama, where is dad, daddy and Papa?" she asked curiously . Honestly she missed her fathers very much .

She loved Vishnu, as a dad too but to be honest , Vishnu, was more like a mother than a father , nagging about this and that , worrying about everything and last of all he gave her the warmth she had never gotten from her mother Arizona.

" They are in a meeting darling" he answered, she pouted hearing that , " I just want to talk to them, for a minute mama, please let me see them " she begged .

Vishnu, was helpless, he picked Adnan, up and walked to the three's conference room . It was a lot larger then their personal study .

The guard standing at the door saw them and bowed . " You can't go in at the moment your highness, the meeting is still in progress " .

" I know but my daughter needs to see them, please let us pass just this one time, I promise you won't get in trouble" Vishnu, begged with puppy eyes .

"Mama, this is your palace , my fathers said that, why should you ask for permission in order to get in ?" He asked a bit upset at the guard.

" Dear listen, the guard is also human , even though he is working for us , it does not mean we should treat him badly, you have to have respect for others okay , no matter their social standing " Vishnu, said teaching the young prince not too be too arrogant.

Adnan, nodded then looked at the guard, " I'm sorry uncle guard" the man looked a bit flustered .

" So will you let us in?" Vishnu, once again asked . The guard had no choice because he could not say no to the future queen and their little prince .

The two walked into the conference room, and everyone became silent and stared at them .

The three smiled, " I'm sorry to budge in like this but Luan, wanted to speak to you guys " .

" That's fine, we were not discussing anything important anyway, Pretty, let's see our little girl" Ahmad, said happily.

" You can always come to us anytime Angel, no need to be nervous" Assam, added .

" Their right" Arson, said looking at him with so much love it made Vishnu, blush instantly.

The board members, were shocked as they looked at their beloved cold princes who suddenly became Warmer than the desert in the day time .

One thing they knew though, was the young man standing in front of them was their future queen .

With that thought they all knelt on the floor and chorused, " your majesty we greet you " .

Their action startled Vishnu, he looked wide eyed at them . " All of you get up I'm not r......." Before he could finish the sentence .

Arson, cut in, " out daughter" he said looking at Vishnu, the flustered man looked up and nodded . He walked to the three and looked at them .

He wanted to pull a seat for himself when Adnan, was taken from his arms .

The little boy smiled at him daddy, Vishnu, was once again shocked when his body became lighter and he soon found himself on Assam's lap .

The other man held his waist gently .  Vishnu, looked around the room feeling even more bashful .

"Hey Assam, I can sit on my own you know " he looked up at the man holding him .

" Shhhh, they won't say anything unless they don't value their lives " he said looking at the people in the room with cold eyes.

The poor board members, shivered lamenting on their bad luck on that particular day .

Vishnu, looked at the three and sighed , he took out his phone and Skyped Luan, again .

The little girl as if she was waiting for the call answered immediately . She smiled as soon as she saw her fathers .

" Daddy , dad , Papa , hi!" She greeted happily . " Hello sweetheart how are you ?" Ahmad, asked .

" I'm good daddy , I'll be coming there soon , the school is about to close, I can finally meet my fathers and older brother in person" she said happily .

As the family of six were busy talking happily , Sal, finally left her sister's house .

She was confident her sister would help her . Amaya, waited for her husband to get back home then followed him to his study .

**********************************"***I finally updated enjoy 😘

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