*chapter eighteen*

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The palace was more tense than usual that day . Vishnu, sat in his room looking outside at the garden that seemed to have put him under a spell.

His queen's Mark was itching, he remembered how Cali, was evicted from the palace , and wondered if he did the right thing by exposing the woman .

After all , they were all just trying to be queen, no, I did the right thing, Vishnu, told himself.

It was dark outside and the moon was full and high up in the sky . He walked out of his room and just walked around the palace lost in thought.

Just then he bumped into someone, he looked up and met the calm eyes of his ex-wife Arizona.

" Ari" he whispered, " oh save me that rubbish, do you think you can win ?" She asked .

" I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean?" Arizona, just laughed while clapping her hands .

" Ofcause you'd play damn, you think I can't see how you look at the Princes?" Vishnu, blinked a bit confused.

" Still pretending? Well anyway let me tell you, the Princes belong to me, infact I don't want them all just one is enough" she said with a smile .

" If you win Ari, you will have to marry all of them, they are the sons of fate, you can't separate them or the kingdom your planning to rule will fall into shambles" he warned .

Arizona, just laughed sarcastically. " That superstitious nonsense has nothing to do with me, well my dear ex- husband I look forward to playing with you "  .

After saying those words she catwalked away . Vishnu, looked at her departing figure and fell into his thoughts again.

Did he really look at the Princes that way? He sighed not believing what was happening to him .

He could feel that he was changing somehow, if it was the original him, he would never fallen for a man, would he have?.

" What is happening?" He asked himself . A cold breeze blew by and he shivered, he wondered how it was possible for the desert to be hot during the day and cold during the night .

He stood there in the middle of the hall way without a single movement, suddenly a warm robe was placed on his shoulders.

He turned around startled, " Arson, why are you not asleep yet ?" Arson, looked at their little wife and hugged him.

" I was thinking about you, so I could not sleep, all of us could not " when Arson, said that, Vishnu, looked up and noticed the other two brothers.

" Are you okay Pretty?" Ahmad, asked gently, Vishnu, nodded then sighed , " I don't really know if I'm okay" .

Assam, caressed his cheek gently, " we are here for you so you don't have to be worried, Angel, whatever is bothering you, you can confide in us " .

Vishnu, felt like crying, he smiled a bit tearfully, " thank you guys , would you guys like to take a walk with me around my garden?" .

Vishnu, was confused on why he laid claim on the garden but it felt right so he did not correct it .

" Oh my Pretty, will we finally see the mysterious garden?" Ahmad, asked with a chuckle.

" Yes you will finally see it , so let's go ".

The three men followed their little wife happily.

While they were having a peaceful night , in a lavishly decorated room that smelled of expensive perfume.

Sat three beautiful women who were busy plotting against a certain little wife.

" The Princes are paying too much attention to that classless man " Sal, said angrily .

" I know what you mean sister, I hate  the way they look at him, that passion, they have never looked at me like that " .

Arizona, took a sip from her glass filled with red wine before she spoke . " You guys worry too much, I know Vishnu, he was my husband after all, he is a weakling with no confidence in himself despite ....and I hate to admit it , his stunning looks".

Sal, gripped the pillow she was holding tighter . " His looks are exactly the problem, how can a man look more beautiful than a woman? Is he not supposed to be all handsome and masculine?" She asked a bit frustrated.

Arizona, laughed , " have you ever seen his mother? You will die of frustration, and what's even better is that he's even more beautiful than his mother " .

" He's a disaster waiting to happen" Anita, said angrily . " We need to work together girls, we have to get that seductress away from our men" Sal, said with determination present in her eyes .

" Your right sister it's about time, we show that loser, what we can do , we'll teach him a big lesson" .

The women laughed happily and toasted to Vishnu's demise .

The three men finally walked back to their room, with a sleeping Vishnu, held in Arson's arms.

How would they know the three witches of Ezra, were after their little wife?

It looked like the royal palace of Bassam, was about to loose its calm

****************************************Hi everyone enjoy 😘

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