chapter three:no turning back

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Tick tock tick tick tock rrrrring,my stupid alarm goes off finally it was time to go away from here.
I sashayed over to my wardrobe and brought out the most beautiful dress mother might have ever bought for me in my life , it was a black v-neck line offshoulder lace dress which hung tightly to mah curves and drops loosely after groping my ass . I looked at my self in awwe ,the dress even has a front slit that reaches up to my chocolate milk thighs.
"My lady",Maria my handmaid walks in with a smile ."you look beautiful and you will even look more like a goddess when am done with you" she adds beaming with sheer delight at the thought of styling my hair and face .
  I move over to dressing table and sit on the cushion next to the dressing mirror and I watch in amusement as she teases my hair into a more sophisticated look like an Indian bride type of look .
I look at myself in the mirror after she applies light makeup on me making look like I don't have any on at all,I take a look at my face,my almost red strawberry blonde hair against my chocolate milk skin and emerald green eyes make me look like a raging goddess,a sin .I thank my parents inwardly for bestowing me with such good looks the dark skin and full lips are from my mom while the strawberry blonde hair and green eyes are from my dad .
  I looked up to Maria who looks like she had just been visited by a goddess,I reach out to my handmaid and pull her in for a hug admist my tears I tell her thank you,she is shocked to see me crying and assumes that I just like what she did.
"Now tell me why you are crying you are looking so beautiful please don't spoil your makeup with tears",she says with tears also in her eyes then she places her finger near her eyeliner and uses it to Mark a dot on my neck "no evil eye shall fall before you" and with that being said she left my room .
  I look at the time I have only few minutes left before we go to the gala I quickly strap on my red Louis Vuitton heels and wear my complete jewelry which happens to be a family heirloom and then move over to my reading table and quickly scribble a letter to my mother and father explaining our actions .
    "Imogene, let's go or will be late",my mother called .I quickly and elegantly move down to the hall join my parents.they both look at me with pride as we move over to the car,I just hope Auden has things under control.
  I quickly scribble a letter to my parents telling them why I have to leave with imo,I take a long look at my self in the mirror . I am wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie which fits me perfectly I just hope that imo thinks so too ,since my bag is already in the Lamborghini along with imo bag, I just grabbed  my credit card just incase.
"Audey come down or will be late ",I hear my mum call for me .
"You look lovely mum",I inform her and she blushes."shall we",I say with my best manners as I take my mother's arm and lead her and my father to the car ."after tonight I will be a free man hello America and hello beautiful ladies"but ofcourse I thought no one could more beautiful than imo.

{Not a chapter}
Hi, I guess I haven't like introduced myself my name is Ayeni Temiloluwa , am a Nigerian and a pretty lazy writer so please pardon me if I update late and also am not so good at English so I would love if you would correct me some times .
Okay with that out of the way tell me if you like Imogene white or Auden briarwood characteristics and behavior and if they would make a cute couple {p.s this is the longest chapter I have written}.
So please don't forget to comment thanks .🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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