chapter four: my daughter's boyfriend

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I scanned round and am really nervous , probably imo backed out of the plan or she was caught ,I panicked.i picked up my airpod and sync it to my phone scrolling to my playlist till I land at OVERWHELMED by royal and the serpents the song calms me down alot especially when it gets to male side ..... 'so just don't get overwhelmed ,don't let it break down you got me by your side....I feel the music calming me down I feel relaxed then my eye meets imo coming inside the hall damn she looks like a sin ,she looks like she wasn't made to walk amongst men but move with the Stars .she finally sees me and then walks to my direction , "you remember the plan", she asks out of doubt , I nod slowly before I could respond I sight our mothers walking towards us.
"Well don't you two just look adorable ", Mrs briarwood coos ."cmon, Auden and Imogene it's time for the first dance", Imogene mom add gleaming in pride well I don't blame if Imogene was my daughter I would make a star out of her.
  "Shall we hit the dance floor ", Imogene asks while looking at me with her emerald eyes that gleam with pride and sophistication . .....before you feel the difference it will be night and dayyyyy ,night and dayyyyy.....I hear those soothing words as I lead imo to the dance floor .
As we step on the dance floor all eyes are on us, we are dancing to A THOUSAND YEARS by Christian Perri and as expected we are in sync. Imo and I had alot of practice put into this dance to mess it up.
We are looking like the ultimate power couple then I lean into her ear "who are you and where is my best friend".she laughs lightly and then plays along "why dearest Auden it's me Imogene,why have you forgotten my face we have been friends since diaper ages",she says teasingly .I love when she gets like this "no you are not my imo because my imo can't be this sexy nor looking like a sin ,my imo is rather too plain ", I taunt back .I can already hear the song ending we both take a bow and I lead her out of the dance floor with grac......"please give my daughter and her boyfriend Auden a standing ovation",I hear imo's father say instantly we turn to one another and mouth the words boyfriend in utter confusion.
  Before I can calm Imogene down, she is already taking a long stroll to where her parents are sitting damn I just love her when she is angry no one is safe not even me  , I smile to no one in particular and follow imo to save her parents from some serious tongue lashing.
I totally forgot about the plan am too pissed to spare my parents for pulling such a stunt , Auden is definitely not my boyfriend and they are going to get some serious tongue lashing.
"Mum dad can I have a word with you and also with Mr and Mrs briarwood ", I say trying to keep my cool.
"Sweetie I think it's high time we told you and Auden ",my mom gestures to an already panting Auden at my side.
"You see when you and Auden where born your grandfathers thought it will be a good way to strengthen our bond if you and Auden got married that's why we kept you and Auden away from other children so it won't affect your feelings for Auden ", my mom says while the other adults nod in agreement .
I am speechless and so is audey, he looks like he is going to murder me well I might as well be giving him the same look as well . I mean if were you treated like me all the eighteen years you have lived in social isolation and you are only allowed to see one person who turns out to be the reason for ur plight I would shove a grenade down his ass.
"Audey, let's leave these crazy people and this place right now ",I look at him with tears in my eyes as we hold hands and run away from our parents.
"Imo audey come back ", I hear our fathers yelling in unison and our mothers crying but we aren't turning back .
As we get outside I quickly hand audey the keys and without saying anything audey starts the engine and we zoom off to audey house .
We are at audey place we take out our bags and place them in audey dad's black Ferrari and park the car in the garage to look as if we were in the house .
  We are in the car I see audey turning red as he is driving us to the airport he is having a panic attack , I say to myself and without thinking I start singing ....audey so don't just get overwhelmed we will make it out and we will be just fine you don't need to worry about a thing don't let it break you down you got me by your sid.....before I could finish I felt audeyy's crash against mine, I return the kiss this was my first kiss , my first kiss was with audey I pull away with embarrassment and look up to audey who looks like a tomato but calm as he keeps on driving away from where we parked.
{Not a chapter}
Hi there it's me again , hmmm I first kiss between best friends sounds steamy and it could lead to trouble.
So what did you think about Auden and Imogene dumb family arrangement please comment whether or not you are on team
#imoden#/#audgen# .
And please if you can come up with better ship names that would be nice I promise to update my books every Friday and Sunday evenings 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

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