chapter five :my first kiss

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I kissed her, I can't believe I fucking kissed her, I battled with myself while imo looks dazed .I am sure she hates me now what is wrong with you brain first I was given life changing news about myself and my bestie and then I have a panic attack so I can just die and imo won't have to suffer .
Imo is singing admist tears she is singing overwhelmed to calm me down and I took advantage of it and kisses her.
Thank goodness we are already near the airport, oooh mah God this is gonna be a long weird trip.
  "I am sorry,imo I didn't mean to kiss you",I tell her without looking at her.
There is silence in the car for a while then she speaks .
"Who taught you how to kiss like that", she asked in interest. "What!" I exclaim ,she can't probably be serious right now "well hmm I guess I watched alot if youtube videos"I told her with my face all red in embarrassment .
"What else did you learn and please can you teach me too",she pleads giving me puppy eyes."hell no , have you lost it",I yelled I don't know why she would ask me for such.
She looks out the windows now , I am glad we are finally at the airport.
We are at the airport,imo grabs her backpack and hands me mine,we are strutting confidently into the airport.we are being checked and all other traveling formalities were done and in place,we are directed to the terminal we have only seven minutes before we board our flight.
   "Imo I know we have only like seven minutes left before we get on the plane but am so hungry please can we grab some thing to eat,"I plead.imo smiles and pulls out a Pringle roll from her bag ..barbeque my favorite...I reach my hand towards the roll but she stops me.
"I will only give you this if you agree to teach me those intimate things you learned on YouTube",she God she can't be serious right now ,she must be high on wine I reasoned.
  "My sweet imo am pretty sure you don't want me experimenting with you , I know how to do things that can ruin our friendship like how to make you wet,cum and moan my name", I look at her feeling my blue eyes grow darker and my D*** can she do this us I inwardly ask little audey who is already mad at imo down there.
Imo looks scared,she shurgs her shoulders and hands me my Pringles "forget I asked ",she added looking dejected.
"The flight to New York is boarding now",the flight attendant announces and starts calling passengers starting from first class.
It soon gets to our turn we hear our names and move to the flight attendant and showed her our tickets,she let us board . We are now in the plane ,imo finds our seats easily and immediately we argue on who gets to seat next to window,imo hands me her famous puppy eyes and I let her have the's gonna be a long flight,I mutter to no one in particular.
"I can't believe I asked audey to experiment on me,he must think am such a pervert",I scold myself.
Audey just rejected me,I was rejected by my arranged finance.i mean I don't have feelings for him but the way he kissed me it felt too electric for a first kiss.
  I just wanted audey to show me the ropes so if eventually I have a boyfriend that's not audey I will be experienced and not behave like a stupid amateur virgin who had her first kiss when she was sixteen.
"Audey,I bought us a house in a small town in the suburbs so we are not actually heading to New York",I tell him.
"What,were are we going",he looks like he going to have another panic attack.
  "Sugar Hill and it a small town where no one can ever find us , I have bought a small house there and we have to change our names and go to sugar Hill highschool",I add.
"Can my name be Theodore whittmore",he asks looking all excited."sure and my name can be Simone Fisher",I add with a smile but he shakes his head "you are more of a Marie Fisher to me",he asks in hope I would change my mind.
"Theo my name is Simone ok sweetheart",I say.he has given up and then offers me some of his chicken pasta he ordered earlier but I decline and decided to watch a movie on the small TV screen before falling into a deep sleep .
Hey it's me again ....
Do you lyk their new names so I guess it isn't #audgen/imoden# anymore but #timone# or #siheo# am really terrible at ship names so in case you can come up with better names,I would love that oooh and if you want to know who I see Imogene (I mean Simone)and Theo has make sure you comment so I can add their pics and oooo please don't forget to vote even if I don't know what you are voting for please just vote my story (I must sound like an idiot)😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🥰🥰🥰😍😍🤩🤩😘and I think you guys need to come up with a name for me to call you guys like my imos or team TBPTIM if I can pronounce that(you see guys am pretty terrible at coming up with names)🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🤩🤩🤩🤩😘😘😘😘😘😁😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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