Valentine's Day

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Tanuki woke up at 9.37 am, he glanced clock. He got up.
I slept in?? How?
He grabbed his phone from nightstand.
I had alarm for this morning, I am sure about it...

Man twitched his ears towards door. He looked up to kitsune who stepped in. "Redd?"

"Nookie, my love, you are awake!" kitsune said. He went to beside his partner, wrapping his arms around tanuki's middle. "Did ya sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes? But I need to get going, I am late already" Tom sighed removing kitsune's arms. He got up from bed.
Wait, why he's up...?
"Redd... did you touch my alarm?"

"What? No." he answered with chuckle. He winced little bit, because tanuki gave him strict stare. "Okay, yes." he murmured poking his index fingers together.

"But! There is good reason for it!" he added quickly.

"And that is..?"

"You work too hard,"

Before tanuki even did get to say anything kitsune continued, "and today is... Valentine's Day."

"Oh... well-"

"And it's our first one, well, you know, since I came back... and I have planned-"

"Redd, wait, be quiet." Tom said placing his hands to kitsune's cheeks. "Listen, I appreciate it, but I can't-"

"I have taken care of everything Nookie! I told Isabelle that you are taking day off, and she said it's okay." Redd told removing Tom's hands, giving a little kiss to his palm. "Oh, I made breakfast, that's why I came. We should go eat before pancakes gets cold." he hummed getting up.

Nook sighed, but gave gentle smile to kitsune. He nodded.


"Sit." Redd told to Tom, while he went to get plate from cabinet, and cup so Tom can get his morning coffee.

Tanuki sighed, maybe a millionth time. "Redd, I know you want to be helpful, but please, let me help." Kitsune twitched his ears a little bit. "Oh Nookie, I can handle this! There is not a thing that I can't do~" he purred with a smirk.

Redd placed plate of pancakes, and cup of coffee front of Nook. "Here you go." he laughed, giving a little kiss on Tom's cheek.

"I tought you said "we should go eat"?" tanuki said raising his brow. Kitsune sat opposite side of table, across from tanuki. "Yeah, but I am not hungry anymore." he told resting his chin to his hands.

"Are, you sure?"

"M-mh. Besides, I know for sure it's your favorite, so more to you." Redd said with wag of his tail.

Tom nodded, he really couldn't argue with it.

They talked, almost about everything- kitsune really liked to talk.


Redd stood up, taking Nook's dishes. He put them in the dishwasher. "So, I have planned day for us. Would you like to hear about it?" kitsune asked, wagging his tail slightly.

"Do I have option to say no?" Tom asked, with tilt of his head. Kitsune chuckled. "No." he told. "Then yes, yes I would like to hear about it." tanuki hummed getting up from chair he was sitting at.

Redd wagged his tail more aggressively. "I was thinking that we can watch a movie and then go to picnik. It's, really nothing, but I think it would be nice." he told wrapping his arms around tanuki. He stole quick kiss from him.

"I think it sound great." Tom hummed with a tiny chuckle. He wrapped his arms around Redd's neck. "Hm... I have something for you." he told to kitsune, giving a little kiss on his cheek.

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