Chapter 5| EPHEMERAL.

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Lasting for a very short time

A week out of the prescribed three weeks of rest for Khushi, had waned away in an achingly slow pace. She had been confined to the bed of her husband's room, by the family. Payal had become a helicopter sister, hovering over her and restricting her from doing even minimalistic movements.

Arnav on the other hand, had softened. He had chosen to completely ignore disturbing thoughts about Khushi being two-faced. His guilt however had annoyingly grown in its intensity, because Khushi was behaving with him as if nothing had happened, as if he'd not even yelled at her.

He felt if she'd just stayed angry at him or even showered him with silent treatment- it would have been more merciful at his disposal. Then again, he wasn't exactly the crusader to mercy to judge her.

Since, he couldn't take back his words, nor could he do anything about his guilty conscience eating him from the inside, he decided that he'd atleast try to be worthy of her forgiveness, try to make up to her.

Baby Steps, Arnav.

That's what he'd told himself and his baby steps included him finding excuses to return early from work, or sometimes even working from home, lending her a hand because she was practically impaired with an arm and a foot put to rest.

Khushi had reasoned to herself, his change of behaviour was an act of sympathy. But, in her heart she knew it wasn't so. All his actions had been outright genuine, but the obstinate part of her refused to agree.

It was the first among the past many days, that Arnav was returning a bit late. On nearing his room, he heard his wife's voice.

"There! Smile brighter. Put me through distress and take pleasure in it, like you always do..."

It took a moment for Arnav to realize the person on the opposite end of the conversation- The idol that stood on his bedstand.

Who even does that? He asked himself.

Your wife. He answered himself, as she rattled off.

"You do this and then there's Jiji who goes on and on like 'Khushi! You never listen to me, always doing whatever you feel like. Buaji is right naming you Sanka Devi. What if you get hurt, again'"

Even from the door, Arnav could picture her imitating Payal to the 'T'. His lips twitched up into a small curve. He decided to wait until her little bicker session was over, as she continued.

"Okay, she cares- may be a little too much. Anyways, it's understandable. But, this Laad Governor...."

Khushi paused and Arnav inhaled sharply in alertness.

"Leave it now,...I don't even want to think about him..." she dismissed.

Ouch! That hurt. Arnav's expression contorted. Were they so broken, that she couldn't even spare him a few words.

"I have only talked to you, Devi Maiyya. I'm still mad at you. Don't get other ideas." her voice feigning a hint of anger.

A hollow silence filled the air, and as usual Arnav's untimely phone buzzed, starling her with his presence.

Damning the universe of spam calls, Arnav entered the room, try to pretend he hadn't overheard her.

"Where you there the whole time?" Khushi stated a little flushed.

" just came." He gushed in a breath


The all to familiar awkwardness grew on with each passing minute as locked glances.

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