Chapter 6

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After getting Hotchs text you walk back to your desk. While walking to your desk you try to act cool about what just happened in that bathroom, there were other people at the office after all. But your body still desires his body. You can feel your cheeks blushing at the thought of what would had happened if you hadn't pushed him away in the bathroom.

You shake you head No Y/N focus on the case, your job is more important you say giving yourself a little pep talk.

Suddenly you see Spencer coming out of the bathroom area, first he looks around, making sure no one was watching then he gives you a little wink.

On the jet

You enter the jet and you see Prentiss, Morgan, Rossi, and JJ. Prentiss and JJ give you a kinda confused look. Once you notice them looking at you, you blush and chew your lip

Many possibilities of what they were looking at popped into you head.


"Your hair" JJ points out

"What about it"

"it was in a pony tail but now it's down" Prentiss states

Shit you forgot to fix your hair

"Yeah you look weird, I haven't seen you with your hair down since JJ's Wedding" Prentiss says as she slightly cocks her head to the left

"Oh....uhhhh it's just that it was too tight and it was beginning to give me a migraine"

You quickly sit down and casually change the subject

"So where are we with victimology?" you say interested in the case

just as you were going to discuss the second victim Hotch came in and then seconds later Spencer followed

After going through the victimology Hotch assigns jobs. For this case you were actually paying attention because you didn't want to let Spencer have any control over you even though all you wanted to do was jump his bones.

Spencer, Prentiss and Morgan go check out the crime scenes. JJ and Rossi go to the morgue, and Y/L/N and I will head down to station." Hotch orders.

At your hotel room

You just came from the station, you and Hotch just went over the most probable suspects. You feel tired after a long day of  interviewing and investigation. You take of your blazer and place it on a chair, then you drop your things at the edge of the bed.

Suddenly you get a knock at your door.

Who could be at the door at this hour? You thought

You as a FBI agent know how dangerous and evil people can be. You take you gun and head towards the door. One specific scenario came to your mind.

What if one of the suspects followed you to your hotel room.

You proceed to look through he peep hole and you let out a sigh of relief

You open the door

"Hey Hotch"

"Hey Y/L/N.... so ummm here. You left this back at the station" he says as he hands you your lucky necklace.

"Oh wow thanks Hotch" you say as you receive it

"Awww and you even untangled it. I didn't even remember I took it off" you say kind of inspecting it.

"Yeah I just wanted to return it cause I know how special it is to you"

"I must have left them near the files" you say thinking back

"Yeah that's exactly where I found it" he says agreeing with you

As he finishes that sentence you give each other a look, you can't really explain it but the look makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. Knowing that feeling and knowing that heartbreak that comes after you quickly say

"hey so I should go"

"Yes of course you should get some rest for tomorrow" he says as he touch the back of his neck

"Thanks so much for the necklace"

"Yeah no problem" he says waving goodbye

You close the door trying to figure out what just happened with that look, but before you could even do that you hear another knock on the door.

"Did I leave anything else Hotch?" you say loudly making a joke

You open the door and you see Spencer in your doorway giving you a blank stare

*Authors note*
Hey guys as always hope y'all enjoyed this chapter let me know if you guys have any ideas of where the story should go. Thanks for reading

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