Chapter 14

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... 6 Months later

At the BAU

"Hey babe" you say while you hand Hotch coffee and give him a kiss on the cheek

"Hey beautiful, thanks " he says smiling as you both enter hotches office.

"So an all nighter again huh?" You ask while seeing the paperwork on his desk.

"Oh yeah it's got me really tense... I finished my paperwork though, maybe you can loosen me up." Says Hotch smirking at you

"Oooooh that sounds nice..." you say pulling in and tilting you head about to give him a kiss

Right when your lips were about to touch his, you put your finger on his lips, pull away, and say "... but we have a case"

You let out a slight giggle

"Your no fun" he says looking disappointed

"Oh baby I'm all kinds of fun, just not when there is a murderous serial killer on the loose" You SnapBack

"Way to ruin the mood" he says making a pouty face.

You look at him,tilt your head to the right, and raise your eyebrow

"Let's just go" he says playfully bummed

You both enter the conference room and take a seat. You take the seat next to Spencer.

"Hey genius" you say looking at Spencer

"Hey Y/N how are you doing"

"i'm good how was you weekend"

" it was pretty good actually I went to the Virginia Museum of fine arts, it was my 5th time there."

" Wow Spence you really know how to have fun" you say sarcastically with a smile

"Yeah whatever, how was your weekend" he asks

You and Hotch went on a romantic getaway the weekend in a cabin in the woods, but givin your romantic history with Spencer you didn't want to tell him that even though you and him have gotten to a good place these past few months.

"Uhhhh, Nothing really I just watched Netflix, I just started watching this new crime show. I swear they do exactly what we do, but they can't even hold a gun correctly" you say trying to change the subject

"Yeah those shows are so inaccurate"

You slightly laugh

"Hey my beautiful crime fighters, today we shall go to the city of angles and let's just say there is a really evil angel out there. Last night there was a 2 men killed believed to be in a gang, the 23rd st killers. The unsub cuts the victims and stomach then leaves them there to bleed out until they eventually die." Explained Garcia as she passes out the documents and pictures of the crime scene.

" Couldn't it just be gang rivals" asked Morgan

" well that's what I thought too but with research little research I figured out that the 23rd St. killers don't have any rival gangs at the moment."

"I also crossed checked with other murders in the region and zilch" Garcia adds on

"Alright we'll go over victimology on the plane, what do these two specific gang members have in common other than the fact that they are in the 23 street killers. Wheels up in 30" said Hotch as always

You gather your documents and pictures from the table and head to your desk, just then you see a huge amount of paper work you had just been assigned to do. You sigh knowing how much of your energy and time this paperwork will take. You decide to get head start. You walk to Hotch's office and knock the door.

The other side of Dr Spencer Reid (Y/N x Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now