• IV •

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"It's you again" he mumbled, not looking away from his MacBook Pro. He was busy reassembling tracks, yet I knew he was still paying attention to me.

"How come up wear a mask and coat even when it's so hot outside?" I asked, knowing too well it was to hide who he was.

"It's my style..." he shrugged

"So you're called Gloss because you sweat a lot from wearing winter clothes and a mask during the summer? Since your sweat makes you look glossy?" I scoffed.

A chuckle escaped his lips as his gaze finally left the glowing screen and situated itself on my own. No matter how many times it has been that I met him at this coffee shop, I still couldn't stop feeling time move in slow motion.

AgustD was the man I had idolized for saving my life... even when he hid who he is behind the mask and winter coat, I remembered his eyes.

The eyes that were filled with the bitterest cold, yet warm enough to make me feel as if I was home.

I felt something warm drip down on my face and my nose felt stuffy. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Why did I feel as if I was stabbed in the heart while my body was being pulled apart limb by limb?

Why do I feel like I'm trapped in an abyss locked in an iron cage as a piercing breeze engulfs me?
Why does it feel as if I'm missing something important?

I just didn't understand anything or what made me feel the way I did?

"Aren't you ready yet!" I heard a voice shout, but I couldn't make out who was standing at my door way. The sudden light blinded me momentarily as I heard more footsteps approach.

"Jungkook! You can't just strom into a woman's room in the morning!" another voice shouted.

"Why are you crying Servant Girl?" I heard another alluring voice whisper as I felt someone move infront of me, shielding me from the piercing morning light.

I felt gentle hands clasp my face as his fingers wipped away the tears that have cascaded down from the corners of my eyes. After a few minutes my eyes adjusted and I noticed that the men from yesterday were all in my room looking at me oddly.

"I-I'm sorry" I was able to mumble as I brushed Jimin's hand away from my face.

"You must have still been in shock from what happened yesterday" Jimin stated in a concerned voice as he stood back up. "For now, I want you to head out with Jungkook and I to the markets. There's a shop that sells the type of silk that I like and I heard they have some new designs coming in today. Going out to the markets with us will help you adjust better to being free of the King. I have some clothes prepared for you too, but since you are an escaped slave it would be good for you to dress up as a male body guard. Even if it is uncomfortable, please cover your face with a mask the male gaurds wear."

Seokjin approached and threw some dark navy clothes at me along with some shoes. I've never been treated with so much disrespect, but if I wanted to learn more about the world outside the palace walls and hide from Guard Kim, then I had to do what I have to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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