25K Giveaway Winners

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Thank you all for supporting this book! We're so glad to be able to give something back to you, and we appreciate everyone who signed up for the giveaway! In the time since we posted the giveaway chapter, this book has gained another 1

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Thank you all for supporting this book! We're so glad to be able to give something back to you, and we appreciate everyone who signed up for the giveaway! In the time since we posted the giveaway chapter, this book has gained another 1.4K views.

So, in short, you guys are awesome.

Without further ado... *elaborate bow*
Let's announce the winners!


To claim your prizes, please PM us your email so we can send your graphics and font.


To claim your prizes, please PM us the portfolio you want us to look at, as well as the titles of the three covers you want us to review.


To claim your prizes, please:

1) PM us your email so we can send you your coupon

2) PM us the titles of the two covers you want us to review
(they must be published on your profile)

3) fill out a form for a cover you want us to make. We'll ask further details after that to make the rest of your graphics. (=


To claim your prizes, please PM us your email.

Congratulations to all four of you! We hope you enjoy your prizes. To those of you who weren't selected, we're sorry that we can't give to everyone! Thank you for participating, and maybe we'll do this again at the next milestone.  <3

No matter where you landed on gift distribution, though, we'd love to tell you about a gift greater than any that we could hand out—the amazing gift of salvation from God through Jesus the Christ.

We've all sinned against the Creator. When we "live in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind" (when we try to rule our own lives) we are committing crimes against the One who made us. We are rebels and criminals, and we deserve to be punished for that.

"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us," made a way for us to have a good relationship with Him, even though we try to hide from Him and pretend that we don't have to follow His rules. God let Himself be born in as a baby and came into His creation through a virgin. This baby was Jesus, and He grew up perfect. He was truly God and truly man. He never sinned—He always did what was right and never did what was wrong. But He let Himself be betrayed by His friend, tortured, and killed like a criminal—even though He was perfect. 

He did this so that "even when we were dead in our trespasses," He could "make us alive together with Christ". Jesus paid the punishment that we deserve so that we could have the life and reward that He deserves. Three days after He died, He rose back to life, defeating death and proving that His believers would have eternal life with Him! How amazing!

If you have already been saved by the amazing work of Jesus on the cross, then let us praise God together! But if you don't know the gift of forgiveness from God, then it is time to repent from your sins (turn away from and hate them) and rest your whole faith in Jesus as the only way to a restored relationship with God.

If you are trusting in doing "good" things in order to get to Heaven or Paradise, then you are not saved. You need to stop trusting in your own works and trust only in the works of Jesus on the cross. "For by grace [we can be] saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." If we could be good enough to save ourselves, then a) Jesus didn't have to die, and b) we would be able to brag about it. Instead, all glory goes to God!

If your faith is in Jesus then let us do good works to praise Him—"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." 

Repent and believe in the redeeming work of Christ!

Let us glorify God in all things. Thank you for reading! <3

(All quotes from Ephesians 2:1-10, in order. Link to the passage is in the comments if you want to read it in its entirety.)

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