More Than a Feeling

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Aspen Draper POV

We all sit there in silence as we let Harry's words sink in. It wasn't on accident. They did it on purpose. Even though those words are scary, they're not hard to believe.

"So who do they work for?" Asks Liam
"Well they tried to pose as Brits" replies Harry.

He's right. When we parked at the school, the soldier who escorted us inside barely talked. When he did, he put up a poor British accent.

"The soldiers that were with me when you guys came had an American accent" I say, thinking out loud.

"They also didn't have official badges or cars and shit." Adds Louis, "They just wore black clothes with vests and gear."

"Why did the news channel tell everyone to go to the school?" Asks Zayn, referring to the night at Louis's house when we watched the news.

"Maybe they had them convinced they were good people" suggests Harry.

"So they posed as Brits when they're really American." Says Niall, gathering all the information we know. "We don't know who they work for because they don't have any merchandise or supplies from their leader or whatever. But we do know that the news thing was a stunt in order to lure us in. That way they had a bunch of people to test on for the cure and also modify"

And that's it. That's all we know. Except for the disease name and symptoms.

"So not only do we have to worry about the crawlers," says Louis, "but we have to worry about those bloody American bastards" He looks over at me, remembering I'm American. "No offense" he says with a shrug. "Non taken" I reply with a small smile.

Well we know more than we did in the beginning, that's for sure. But what do we do with this information?

"What do we do now?" Asks Zayn. That's a fair question. None of us know where our parents are and we can't seem to contact them...wait. That's it!

"Guy's" I say, snapping out of my thoughts, "They said that our parents would be at school and it wasn't a lie because I saw a lot of kids with their parents" I say, ideas circling my mind.

"That means that our parents and a shit ton of people are still at school. Schools...plural. Did y'all notice how the streets are empty? That's because everyone listened to the news and went to their local schools. The population of this whole fucking town is gonna be used as lab rats" I finish, shocked by my sudden revaluation.

"So what your saying is that our parents are at the school and going to be tested on?" Asks Liam. "That's exactly what I'm saying" I reply.

"This whole testing thing is confusing me" says Harry, rubbing his temple. "I understand that they want to test us to find the cure but what kind of tests and to what extent? Is it deadly?" He asks. We all stay silent and ponder the thought. If it is fatal, we're lucky to have escaped, but others didn't. There are probably people right now going through the tests, including our own families. Well, whatever's left of my family.

"We have to go back" says Liam out of the blue. I'm expecting them to all complain and immediately reject the idea, but there's silence. He's right though, what else are we supposed to do? We can't hide forever. We need answers, and lots of them.

"Alright, we're going back to the school" says Harry after some silence. "I'm not forcing anyone to come but it is our families on the line" he says, offering an out. No one says anything, meaning everyone is on board. What do I got to lose?

"We need a plan" says Niall, sitting up straighter. He's always the type of guy to mess around but he's being dead serious right now.

"We also need gas" says Louis. We've been driving around for a while now so I'm not surprised we're running out.

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