Part 2/3 ⚔️🛡🐺

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Wolves Of Armenia Part} (2/3).
:The Long Journey:
August 15, 2014 at 7:38pm

14• Days Past and The Wolves were preparing to leave camp meanwhile Serena was bound to a pole and being watched over by Tak. "This girl..we should keep a close eye on her while we journey, she could do anything to get us of course" he said gruffly starring at Sumus. The rest if the wolves agreed and they begun to pack up and leave

15• While walking Serena spoke but unable to move because her chains bound around her hands were too tight. " listen. good wolves, I ment no harm really"...*Beauticia spoke* "Silence girl you can speak when spoken to or when questioned" the others just laughed as they walked. Sumas stopped to sniff the air for any signs of danger, as far as he could tell there wasn't any nearby. "Pick up pace my solvent brothers and sisters, we are not far from our destination" he said proudly. 16•As they reached a clearing all seemed too quiet and still, they entered slowly and got ready for anything to happen..they then noticed sombody walking along the trail in front of them once again.

17• Lucian Spoke out" Excuse my young chap might I to know whom you are to be?" looking at the Blue and Black colored wolf odly then wolf then replied" Oh yes terribly sorry my apologies, my name is Fenrir lokison son of the great trickster god Loki" he introduced. Tak spoke next" Can you fight Fenrir?" Yes I can..pretty well actually" he said confidently. Well good welcome to the Pack" Tak said as the others all introduced themselves.
18• "So son of the god Loki eh..and how if I may ask does that run well in your you like" Asked Sumas kindly.
Fenrir only replied with "well I do like alittle mischeif every once and awhile, but as I am the son of Loki I try my hardest to stay out of trouble" he said softly smiling.

19•"Anyhow, what's a bunch of wolves like you guys and a misfit girl doing all the way out here?" Fenrir ask Lucian in a kindof shocked mannor. "We where going to ask you the same thing" Beuticia said. "Oh me I'm just out here waiting for my next big random battle and what not" he said. "Ooh I get it your one of those risk/ adventures arn't you?" Asked Tak. "You guys ask a lot of questions..and yes I am that sort of wolf" Fenrir said calmly swinging his sword around.

20• "Well we're on our way into town if you inten on joining us" Sumas said as they all started walking down the path again. "Sure,
why not, I'm always up for a challenging adventure!" He said grabbing his sword out of the ground and slashing it around in the air once more. As they neard the quite and dainty town of Magnaran, the wolve's heard much chatter between the many bystanders in the streets of a wise man who could control and know just about everything about anyone. Who was this the wolves wondered just who this person must be and why the townsfolk say that he is a mighty man..

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