Chapter 16

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Alisha's POV

Oh gosh. I'm really freaked out right now. I dunno what to do. I heard someone scream and I think I'm the only one awake. I looked over at Luke and he was still sleeping on his side.

"Lukey..." I whispered, poking his cheek.

"Hmm?" He asked

"Are you awake?" I asked

"I am now." He said.

"Get up. I'm scared. I need cuddles." I said

"Aww babe. Come here..." He said sitting up and opening his arms. And there it was again. That scream. Oh my gosh.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Yeah. What was that?" He asked.

"Someone screaming. That was the second time. We need to see who it is. Come on." He said. We got up.

"I'm gonna go check on Kelsey and Michael. You check Retha and Audrey. I'll also check on Ashton and Cal." I said

I walked into Kelsey's and Michaels side of the tent. Kelsey wasn't in here. What the heck?

"Michael!" I yelled at him!

"What?!" He yelled back

"Where the hell is kelsey?!"I asked him

"Oh. She had to piss or something. I don't know." He said.

"Well get up. We have to find her." And with that I walked out. I went into Ashtons and Cals room. They were all cuddled up and I decided to leave them be. They look so cute! I walked out and Michael, Audrey, Retha and Luke were out there.

"I decided not to wake Calum and Ashton. I think we can go find kelsey out selves. She might be lost or something. Maybe I should wake Calum and Ashton so that we can go out together and split up with me and Luke going together, Audrey and Retha, and Calum Michael and Ashton. Or will you be fine alone Michael?" I asked

"I'll be fine. Let Calum and Ashton sleep." He said.

"Okay. Let's get going." I grabbed flashlights and gave them to each of them.

"So what do we do if we find her?" Retha asked

"Um come back here and call us. I'll take my phone. Audrey take yours and Michael take yours." I said. We split up and I grabbed Luke's hand. I hate being out in the dark.

"What's wrong babe?" Luke asked

"I hate being out in the dark."

"Aww!" Luke just pulled me closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. We kept on walking. It was silent. No body saying anything. It wasn't awkward or anything. Just silent. Luke pulled me over to a tree and pulled out a pocket knife. Where did he get that from?

"Where did you get that from?" I asked

"I normally keep a pocket know with me." Luke opened it up and started carving something in the tree. When he was done he moved out of the way to show be what he carved. I looked at it. It was a heart and on the inside of it said 'L+A' Aww! Luke is so sweet!

"Aww!!!" I said and gave him a kiss! "We should find kelsey. Where could she be?"

"KELSEY!!!!!" Luke called out.



"OVER HERE!!!!"  I heard her tell! Yay! We found her!

"There she is!" I yelled and ran over to her! I jumped on her and hugged her! Yay!

"Yay! We found you! Come on! Let's get back to the tent! Everyone is out looking for you! Let's go! We have to text them to tell them we found you" I said.

"Okay..." she said and we walked back to our tent

(A/N well look! We found kelsey! Lol. Well I still need to know if y'all want this book to be really long or if I should make another book. So yeah. But okay. I dunno. I was forced to update lol. Jk. Love ya kelsey. But anyways... Yeah. I'm bored. So just tell me if I should make this book long or if I should make another book. Byeeeeee- Alisha)

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