The Party

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    [Authors Note: I'll put songs that I find on soundcloud to set the mood of the story in bold letters. It's completely optional for you to listen to them or not but I recommend it because sometimes they can be important. But other than that please enjoy!:) ]

Song: Motive x Promiscuous; Ariana & Nelly 

Opening the dungeon door I'm immediately greeted by blinding lights and blasting music. The smell of smoke and sweat immediately reach my nose as I step in. Next to Gryffindor, I've heard Slytherin threw some of the wildest parties. A small smirk growns upon my lips thinking of my plans for tonight. I confidently walk to the drinks and pour myself a plastic cup of hard liquor. 

     Slowly sipping my drink, I scan the room above my cup for my victim. I want to stay sober as long as possible but still enjoy a buzz. At the far end corner of the chamber was a handful of people talking and drinking amongst themselves on expensive sofas. In the middle of the room was a crowded bunch of people grinding against their partners, desperately grabbing and pressing whatever they can as the music and alcohol intoxicate them. Looks fun but I can't just yet.

     Others, mostly men, stand along the walls eyeing preys of their own. But none of them are interesting enough to catch my attention. Until I see him. The way he dances, he's obviously the kind of guy that likes to chew girls up and spit them back out. I slowly glide the tip of my tongue on my upper lip in satisfaction. I eye the way he barely puts the effort into the poor girl he's dancing with. My sole mission of the night is to make whoever the hell that guy is to want me tonight. I'll make sure that I have his complete and undivided attention.

     Slowly coming up with a plan, I take one last long sip of my alcohol and throw the cup away. gently pressing my middle finger to the corner of my mouth, I swipe whatever dribble was left.

     Striding to an area cleared just enough for me to catch his attention. as the music plays, I grab some random boy chatting with a friend and pull him back to the cleared area I found. Whispering some sweet nothings against his neck his eyes widen. He slowly gulps while I run my fingers down his chest and back up again. I grab hold of his collar and slightly pull his face down to mine staring at him. 

     Quickly glancing behind him, the movement of the grab caught this mystery mans attention. I lock eyes for a second, give him a sinister smile and pull my attention back at the boy whose shirt is balled in my fists. 'perfect' I praised myself. sliding my hands to this guys hand, I turn my back to him with and drag him to the center of the room. 

     I stop to turn to face this random guy one more time placing my finger under his chin pulling him dangerously close. My hand moves to the messy black hair on the back of his head while my arm rests on his shoulders. I feel hands snake their way around my waist pulling me in even closer than before. I let my hips start to sway as I feel his grip get tighter. Tilting my head slightly to the side I slightly chuckle at this guys drunken desperate state. I should've chosen someone more sober and possibly cuter but I guess that doesn't matter. Looking past him again, I can tell that I'm going to get exactly what I want tonight.

     Barely dancing now with the girl he's with, his eyes lock with mine intriguingly. I give him an un amused look causing him to be even more interested. I scoff and narrow eye contact, refusing to let this guy think he'll get his way tonight. Moving my hips more seductively, I decide to give him something to look at. There's a fast hot breathe slowly closing in on my neck. Before this worm can attack it, I grab onto his hair harder and pull back. His neck fully exposed, I bring my mouth to his ear and lightly lick his ear lobe causing him to let out a breathy sigh. 

                                 Song: Maneater slowed; by Nelly

     I release this guys hair and push him away slightly leaving him confused. I walk away and leave him there stranded. Locking eyes with my target I start towards him realizing that he's now alone. As I get closer, I can see a smirk creeping up his face. And that pisses me off. No way in hell will he get what he wants. breaking eye contact annoyed I walk past him, taking his cup from his hand and finishing it in one go. I throw it behind me over my shoulder and probably hit a friend talking to him. I stop at a table and pause, staring at it. This just so happens to be my favorite song.

     I place a heel on a chair and glance at the closest person. They catch on rather quickly and holds out his hand. Placing my hand in his, he helps me up as I place my other heel on the table. The buzz of the other guys drink is starting to feel absolutely euphoric. I finally stand and slowly Straighten a leg out. I bend over to place my hand on my ankle, and slowly slide it up to my inner thigh while straightening up. Flipping my hair as I reach the top, I earning some whistles from onlookers. This only boosts my ego and I give them a knowing look. My hands find their way to my sides as I slowly turn my hips. Bringing my hands up and feeling my body. My dress hikes up even shorter than it already is as my arms get higher. Bringing my hands to my head, I run my fingers through my hair. I bring my hands back down to the top of my chest between my breasts and throw my head back in a slow circle causing a crowd of both men and women to go wild.

     Eyes searching my audience and I find his golden eyes again like a magnet. This time I make eye contact and don't let go. Dancing, I walk to the edge of the table as he continues closer to me. I kneel down and crawl to him ignoring the excited screams and ooo's of everyone else and so does he. Sitting on my knees, I do something he doesn't expect. I snake my hand around the back of his neck and yank him closer so his face is now less than centimeters away from mine. Glancing at his lips and back into his eyes, I mouth the words to the song "Maneater make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want more of her love." His eyes grow dark and I take advantage of his obvious hunger. As if going in for a kiss, he eagerly leans in as well but I pull away a tad just quick enough to avoid his lips. Looking up at me in frustration, I narrow my eyes and smile. Letting go of my grip on his neck, I slide my legs out from underneath me and place my heels back onto the floor to stand. Lifting a finger to his jaw I close his mouth and walk away to leave him in his awe.

     Once my back is to him, I start counting in my head. 1... 2... 3... "Hey! Hold on!" And there is is. a voice is desperately shouting over the music to get my attention. I stop and pause laughing to myself. Turning my head over my shoulder I see him standing there, Flaming hair glowing in the flashing lights

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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