cheater? (draco)

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I am currently eating with the squad in the Slytherin table. It was me, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle here today and my boyfriend, Draco and Pansy are nowhere to be found.Even if we are in the same friend group, me and Pansy never really liked each other. She hated me for dating Draco. The feeling was mutual. I hated it when Pansy would try to flirt with him, though Draco never really acknowledged herDinner was almost over and Draco's still not here. Odd. Maybe he's busy? I sighed, convinced that he's probably doing something importantDinner came to an end and me and the others finally went to the dungeons. I climbed up the stairs that led to the dorm I shared with Pansy.I were about to open the door until I heard moans coming from the room. I scrunched up my face in disgust.Gross. Did Pansy really have to bring a boy to our room. UGH, I facepalmedI was about to walk away, maybe just go to Draco's room since he has his own room. That is until I heard the name she was moaning"Ugh! Draco! Fuck"Is this the reason why they skipped dinner?My eyes widened and without even thinking, I opened the door. And there was Draco and Pansy. Pansy was smirking when she saw me while Draco had an emotionless faceI quickly left the room and went to Blaise's instead. Blaise basically had his own room since Draco moved out of there.I cried and explained to Blaise everything that happened and he comforted me until I fell asleep. I am like a sister to Blaise so he didn't really mind letting me sleep in the other bed in his room*Time skipI was sat at great hall next to Blaise. I didn't really want to go but Blaise forced me. Blaise was talking with a fellow Slytherin while I played with my food.Pansy and Draco was missing again... Well more like Pansy was missing because Draco just walked in.He had bags under his eyes and sat next to me."Hey Babe" He said, smiling. He leaned in to kiss my cheek but I pushed him away"What the fck is wrong with you!? Don't you 'hey babe' me!" I shouted, almost everyone in the great hall was looking at me"What? Are you okay love? what's gotten into you? You know...I am tired, not even having the energy to eat, but I decided to go here just to see you and you're acting strange" Draco said, looking a bit annoyed"What's gotten into me? Wow Malfoy how could you forget so easily? You know what? You're right. You're tired. You're probably fcking tired from screwing Parkinson last night! I saw you okay, with my own two eyes and you just stare at me. How dare you cheat on me Malfoy! I'm done. We.Are.Done!" I said getting up and leaving the great hall to curl up and cry in my dorm, hoping Pansy wasn't thereDraco sat there with his jaw dropped and a small tear on his face. He looked at Blaise but he only gave a disapproving look."You know what dude? I don't understand why you did it. But stay away from Y/N. You're my best friend but she is also like a sister to me and I don't want her to get hurt even more" Blaise glared at him and went to his classDraco ran to his dorm and cried. After crying his eyes out, he sat on his bed and got lost in his thoughtShe said she saw me. She said I cheated and that she saw me fcking Parkinson. How is that even possible! I didn't even talk to Parkinson yesterday.I was staying up all night, making homework and thinking of an anniversary gift for Y/N.This is crazy. I would never cheat on her. Something isn't right and I need to get to the bottom of this—•—Three days later:It was three days after the break up. It was a Saturday and today was supposed to be me and Draco's second anniversary and I felt miserable.I was walking through the halls, not looking at where I'm going, and bumped into someone"Ow! Watch where you're going!" It was Pansy....and she's with Draco"Oh my! look at who we've got here. It's poor lil Y/L/N, what? Are you sad that Drakee-poo chose me? I've always told you. Dracy would choose me because I am prettier than you and you are nothing!" Pansy said in that annoying high pitched voice and laughedI was about to cry but I was holding it in...that is until I saw Draco. He was laughing as well and I felt tears fall down my cheeks"Awwww are u crying? Boo hoo. It sucks to be you" She laughed again"Oh yeah? Well you're a slut! Stealing someone's boyfriend because you're nothing but a whore!"Pansy was furious"why you!" She raised her hand, about to slap meI prepared for the impact, but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I saw Draco stopping Pansy's wrist tightly and— HOLD ON! THERE ARE TWO DRACOS!!!WTF IS GOING ON IN HERE!?Pansy looked confused as well, looking at Draco beside her, and at the other Draco who was holding her wristI was about to say something until i noticed something wrong with the Draco besides Pansy. He was changing appearance until he became his old self again, it was Theodore Nott.I was confused, until realization hit me. POLYJUICE POTION!Pansy shrieked. Realizing that she was with Theodore the whole time and ran.Draco was FURIOUS! and was about to go after them until I stopped himHe looked at me and his face softened"Y/N! Oh my god, I swear i didn't cheat on you! I would never do that because I love you so much! I came here to tell you that the Draco you saw Pansy was with wasn't me but then I saw her about to hurt you. Are you okay?" He said cupping my cheeks" Yes Dray I'm fi—" he cut me off" Oh god...she didn't do anything else did she? I love you very very much and i swear that if I sa—"I cut him off by smashing my lips to his. We kissed for a while until we had to break away from each other for air."You don't have to explain Draco. I understand." I smiled at him and pecked him" Oh! I almost forgot!" He said, reaching for his pockets. He pulled out a box and handed it to me"What's this?""Just open it" He smiledI opened it and saw a locket inside. It was beautiful emerald locket. When I opened it, there is a moving picture of me and Draco laughingDraco took it from me and helped me put it on."That night...when you thought I was cheating on you...I was actually thinking of a gift for you"He took my hand in his and kissed it"I love you more than anything Y/N and I will never let anything come between us. I want to spend my future with you and be able to call you my wife someday. Happy Anniversary Love"I teared up and smiled. I got up on my tippy toes and kissed him with all I got. We stayed there in the empty hallway for a while, just staring at each otherUnbeknownst to us, Blaise was in the corner and saw everything that happened. He shaked his head, smiling, and left us alone

tumblr: louweasleymalfoy

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