Author's Note

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Hiya petals!

Thank you so much for checking out this preview of Wilde & Twisted. I know you're all probably wondering...where the heck is the rest of the book, Willow?! Welp. I got some good news, and I got some better news. 

The Good news: I've decided to take the plunge and self-publish! Your outpouring of love and devotion for Finn and Linus was so massive that it's restored my sense of purpose and made me realize that holy shit, I think, maybe, perhaps, that I can...write?! What? I know. No one's more shocked than me. So, later this year, closer to summer (but if I'm very diligent, then late spring), the entire manuscript of Wilde & Twisted will be available for purchase on Amazon. 

The Better News: Wilde & Twisted 2 is coming!! I'm about half-way through the first draft and it's...well, it's sorta batshit crazy, but in the best W&T way you may have come to love. This will also be available later this year on Amazon. 

I'm so looking forward to continuing this series and fleshing out the W&T universe. I've got some delicious plans for Bennett's book,  along with the rest of Linus's little harem of friends, and who on earth could forget best boy, Ashe?

So, once again, thank you for all of your support and kindness. None of this would be possible without you. If you're curious about behind-the-scenes or want to chat or yell at me about things, find me on Instagram at WillowErdem. 

I'll have a website up soon and, if you're interested in a free copy of the book, or beta reading the sequel, or getting on the mailing list so you know what's up and when, DM me! I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on Wattpad, of course, but things slip through the cracks. 

In the meantime, please sit back, relax and enjoy the first three chapters of Wilde & Twisted. 

All the love and pancakes,


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