Chapter 4: What Lurks Behind The Surface

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I'm back with another chapter! I think this literally the 2nd or 3rd chapter I've written today for them! I'm really having fun writing this, It's something new for me to write for Bray x Alexa, since I've never really written a dark fanfic before, so this is new for me, but I'm really enjoying how this is coming out so far! So in this chapter, It's the swamp fight but added with different stuff including with Alexa but as I further ado let's start chapter 4!

((If you enjoy this chapter please leave me a comment to let me know what your thoughts or suggestions are.))

Two monsters built for war.. ready to destroy each-other physically, mentally, emotionally and personally. Ever since I had that dream about Bray I tried to keep my distance from everyone including Braun. Plus I knew he needed his space to remain focus, still I couldn't help but wonder what made me have that dream about Bray of all people, I wondered what it meant and why did I want to kiss him. It was really peculiar, and it wasn't just the whole Bray thing.. It was Braun too.. he was acting rather strange this past week, for an example; he was starting to show apathy for some people, he was distant towards me sometimes yet other times he was joyful around me as we cuddled to sleep, but I also noticed that anger had fueled inside him ever since Bray continued to get inside his head, I have to admit that I was starting to get really worried about him.

- Meanwhile at the swamp

I had approached the swamp where I found Bray sitting in his rocking chair, waiting for me, but he didn't utter a word instead he just disappeared in smoke "where are you Bray, show yourself!" But he didn't instead I just hard the crickets chirp in my air as I also heard footsteps behind me but before I could react in time, I felt a sharp pain above my head, the mysterious figured hurled a shovel over my head, causing me to collapse to the dirt, my vision came gradually as I saw myself about me with the rusty shovel but the next thing I saw was dark.

I could barely open my eyes the second time, it took me a few moments to shake out of the funk that I was in, when they opened, I noticed I've been tied to a chair, as I saw a light-bulb swaying in front of my eyes as Bray's old music had hit. Carrying his lantern in a hand, I struggled between the binds but it was no use "I hate you! I hate you!" I shouted over and over but a smirk ascended on his face as he took a seat across from me "look I know you probably are upset with me," upset wasn't exactly a word to describe it "but I want you to understand that I'm not your enemy" I scoffed as I looked at him in repulsion "then explain to me, why you continue to keep causing problems for me, and why you have such an obsession with my girlfriend, and why you want to ruin me?"

"Oh Braun, I don't want to ruin you, I just want to help you. I wouldn't say that I'm trying to cause problems for you, nor am I trying to cause problems between you Alexa-" I shaked the chair uncontrollably "you son of a bitch, you know nothing about our relationship" he laughed at my struggles "perhaps I don't, but I know that I'm in your head, and it's effecting you and from what it seems.. It's effecting your relationship" "shut the hell up! you don't anything, and it's none of your business Bray! You're just so lucky that I'm locked behind these ropes because if I was unleashed I would annihilate you" Bray remained amused by my threats "I know you want to hurt me, but you can't, you want to know why?" I tried to shake my head "let me enlighten you dear brother, where I've been is beyond any place that you could ever fathom from"

"I don't care where you've been, once I'm free I'm going to send you to hell where you belong!" He just chuckled once more "I've been rotting in an endless pit, looking through my own eyes and not able to control my own body or anything it does, and now I'm here again man.. hahaha and no matter what, I'm not going back, hahaha look daddy I've got my wings back and it feels so good! And no matter what, I'm not going back, you hear me? No matter what I won't go back, all I know is Braun is that you need to come home.. you don't belong with the rest of them.. I can make you special just like me, all you have to do is come home with me.."

"I'm not coming back, I refuse to do your bidding, I'm not a tool that you can just manipulate to do whatever you want. I'm not that person anymore" he gripped his dreadlocks "you're making this so damn difficult, why can't you just understand that I'm trying to help you?" "Because, It's like I said to you Bray, this isn't the life I want, I have a life a good one, I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love but you're trying to ruin my happiness.. when you came into the picture you ruined who I am as a person, and now I don't even know how to control it." That same sadistic smirk appeared again "look you may criticize me for ruining your happiness. But let me be blunt with you, it isn't just me. You put your hands on me because you felt your own rage take control of you once again, I saw it within you, but I wasn't the only reason you brought it out." I wasn't falling for his tricks he was making it seem that it was my choice to let it out. He got closer to me as he kneeled past me as I stared into the smoke "you're one of the serpents now,"

- Backstage in the arena

I stood in the bathroom staring right through the mirror. Looking through my reflection, my expression became stoic. Nothing showed any meaning in my eyes, as if everything had been wiped away clean, just like my dream. I had gone into that same trance before, while everything in the world didn't cease to exist, all I could do was focus on was the mirror in front of me and the sound of Bray's voice echoing inside my brain, allowing it to cloud my judgement, I shut my eyes tightly as I was no longer there in the bathroom, I was now back in the swamp where I almost kissed Bray.. It was as if I couldn't control my own body.. my appearance was different, my hair was in two separate buns, I was wearing a black leather jacket and a short black lace cocktail dress, I couldn't even recognize myself, I stood still as I approached Braun with a snake wrapped around my hands "A-Alexa what the hell are you doing?" His words were meaningless as I had wrapped the snake around him causing him to become unconscious once more.

Behind the mist, I observed the burnt flesh around Braun as I sensed that he was amused by seeing someone burn to death, he then turn to me cautiously "A-Alexa how are you here? Why? and What happened to you..?" I barely moved as he walked towards me, I heard his questions but they were just a blank, "don't you want to come back? Don't you want to join him? He shows you what paradise looks like, he can bring you to multiple worlds, he can make you an god, all you have to do is let him in, let every single one in" He was in a haze at what he heard from us "Alexa what are you talking about? Please tell me he didn't do this to you?"

"He didn't do anything to us physically. She had a dream about him, and his words were our influence, his words are our truth," he looked at us in disgust after each word that was spoken "how could you not tell me this Lexi? But more importantly, how could you not tell me? We're boyfriend and girlfriend, we're supposed to be able to tell each-other stuff, we're supposed to trust one another" there was no answer, instead I had disappeared in the air


After Alexa had disappeared from the swamp, I found myself more confused and worried than ever, I let my own concern for Alexa take over to the point that Bray tried to claw my own eyes out, but I was able to quickly retaliate, by tossing him over my shoulder and throwing him on a boat, which ended up floating down the swamp water, I didn't lose track of it as I focused on where it was sinking "It's over" I whispered as I looked down the water as it turned blood-ish red, then Bray had pulled me under, as The Fiend emerged from the swamp "LET ME INNN..."

To Be Continued...

A/N- Man that was a hell of a chapter! Looks like there will be major problems with Braun and Alexa in the next chapter, since Braun is aware of Alexa's dream, plus we're gonna get Bray and Alexa interacting together for the first time as well! It'll be exciting for sure! But until next time guys 😉

Originally written on

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