pain from the past

23 0 0

5 years later

Naruto's POV

It's my 16th birthday I think to myself as I get up to see Madara leaving the room and say hey he looks at me "happy birthday kid!"he says with a smile and turns placing his hand on my head playfully messing up my hair. I look at him "how come you don't look any older then when I met you?" I ask curiouse and confused he looks at me with surprise "Well the jutsu that brought me back to life is a forbidden one that Oruchimaru learned that can bring people back to life if you have there body and Kakuzu didn't sell it and that very jutsu makes me age much slower so technically I'm 45 but with this jutsu my body is 23" He responds this shocked me.

We then hear a loud banging on the door I get up and open it but before I could say anything I am pulled into an embrace "Awwww our little Naruto is all grown up" He yells I start to struggle and it brings me back to that day when I first joined the akatsuki I settle down and hug Tobi back. He soon let's go and pain walks up to me putting his hand on my shoulder "Happy birthday for your gift you can have the day off" he states smiling "Yeass imma go do something" I prcticly yell. I turn and run to my closet to look for something only to find an old cloak I put it on and head out. Soon arriving at the leaf village I walk in and get asked for my name and business by two guards "akatmem sukiber and I'm just visiting old friends" i answer and the guards step out of the way as I continue walking past it doesn't take long to see Sakura walking with Sai's arm around her. Seeing her makes all the pain of that day come back Sakura's word flooding and echoeing through my mind. Not realizing i bumped into them. "Hey watch where your going pal!" Sai exclaims I say nothing looking down Sai grabs me by my coller shaking me and lifting me into the air "Who do you think you you are!" He yells loudly and pulls down my hood and drops me out of pure confustion and backs away "y-you are alive?!" He says as I'm putting my hood back over me I smile and walk away seeing what i needed to see. I soon make it back to the base and go to my room putting my robe back on when Madara comes in telling me "if your hair keeps growing like that your gonna look like me by the time your 18." He states smiling I can't help but smile back. I inform Madara of what happened and I see a diviouse smile tug at the sides of his mouth. "Naruto you have done great work and if we keep up your training you might even beat me with only my sharingan that is!" Madara teases when he lays on his bed I do the same and slowly drift off to sleep.

I wonder why why I have to keep the missions Madara gives me a secret from Pain and the rest of the Akatsuki. I stop thinking of it but as soon as I whipe my mind that image appears again. It's the sharingan but only for a few moments. It then swirls into something the rennigan but different. Instead of purple like Pains it's a black the lines replaced with a deep red color. I wake up in a cold sweat forcing my eyes open I rush to the bathroom to check the mirror my eyes looked like the ones in the dream I blink and there back to normal damn I think to myself I have had that dream for two-three weeks now and the eye thing has never happened. Is somthing changing I ask myself knowing I don't have the answer.

Athors note

If you read this when Sai said Sasuke I chrnaged it because it was supposed to be sai but I didn't check it and auto-correct to Sasuke

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