the meeting

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[quackity s pov:].      it was a normal day at america
the sun was shining, everyone had t-shirts and shorts on
kids were coming in and out of my corner shop,
it was great !

i was just cleaning up after some musty crusty kid got sick
on the floor..seriously it's disgusting
until i saw the love of my life walk in
"hello quack city" the man said with a sparkle in his eye
i got flustered and gave a small smile
"why hello there obama! back here again?"
the man smiled as he grabbed a dr.pepper
and fixed his sunglasses, he brushed his
non existent hair back.
i couldn't help but blush at the beautiful sight.
i scanned the ice cold dr.pepper
"that would be..1 dollar sir!"
i said with a smile on my face
"no need to call me sir."
the man said with a smirk, he paid me 40$ like the
rich man he is and walked out forgetting his

i gasped as i saw that he left it, i grabbed it and ran
out the corner shop searching for him.
i saw him and i ran "OBAM-" before i could finish
i tripped over a non existent rock dramatically and
landed in my future husbands arms.
" forgot your drink.."
i stood up quickly , flustered as i just fell in his arms..
the tall handsome man took his drink
"thank you quackity" he kissed my forehead
"quackity?..." i looked over as i saw my two fiancé's
"its not what it looks like!" i cried
sapnap took out his lighter and karl took out his
bow n' arrow from his last tale..
sapnap lit the tree in the park on fire as everything
slowly burned to the ground..
karl had the arrow pointed at obama
"this is your last chance quack!" the brunette cried
obama stood still as he was terrified
"please don't do this!" i cried "my sister- NIKI-"
(that's my bestie btw ❤️💯🙄)
"i need to look after them!"
karl looked me dead in the eyes and said..
"any askers?.." ye shot the arrow at me and obama causing us to
swagnap and karl walked out of the city as it was
slowly burning to the ground proudly knowing
obama was on his last canon life..and quackity wasn't

pls this fanfic was all a joke idk why i did this 😭
[400 words]

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