one shot 1

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This story is based off of the Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ.
Warning: Toxic Relationship, Alcohol
s/o = significant other

Beep, beep.

You sigh with a sad look on your face. Once again, they didnt answer your call. It normally didnt bother you but today was special for you. You used to think you had the greatest s/o you could ask for, they would take you to beautiful parties and dates. You would wear matching clothing and do eachothers makeup. You had the perfect life. But that was at the start. They tricked you into thinking it was perfect. It wasnt really.

The first red flag was when you went to a party. It was the prettiest and biggest one yet.The party went on for around an hour with no problems and your s/o wanted to get a drink. It was fine, this was a party and most people would have a glass or two of alcohol without getting too drunk and everyone knew their limits. Apart from your s/o. They drank three glasses of alcohol and got extremely drunk, they walked around and talked to random people, getting mad at small things. You told them a few times that they should calm down and you tried grabbing their arm but they pushed you away, they then got a glass and threw it towards you. The world felt like it stopped. You couldnt understand why. Was it because they were drunk. Or did they mean to do it. You dodged out of the way of the glass and hearing it shatter made your heart ache. Tears were forming in your eyes so you ran outside. You could barely breathe. You called a taxi and went home.

The next day, they called you and asked what happened yesterday. Your eyes lit up. He didnt remember a thing. You convinced yourself that this meant he didnt mean anything he did yesterday. You happily said, "Oh, not much, we went to that party, remember? You got a bit drunk which is probably why you cant remember."

You didnt think much about that event after that but around a month later, something else happened. They broke up with you. It was out of the blue, everything was going fine but they decided to end it. They left you without a proper explanation and you were left devastated. You had ripped up all the photos you took together. They were all that made you happy. And they never cared about you. You called them all night for an explanation. They didnt reply. You cried yourself to sleep and when you woke up you heard a knock on the door. It was your s/o. "W-What do you want?" You stuttered.
"I came to apologise for last night, I had a lot of things in mind and took my anger out on you." They replied. You just couldnt resist it, you forgave them in just a second. They knew just how naive you were and they took it to their advantage.

You think about these thoughts now. You've been planning to break up with them for a long time now. You realise just how naive you were. You would have probably forgiven them for not calling if it weren't for today being special. It was your birthday. You call them one more time. "Last chance . . ." You whisper, hoping they would answer.

Beep, beep.

No reply. You smile sadly. You dont want to do it but it's the best thing for you. You start texting them.

We're over.

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