Part 2

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My dad Turned and rolled his eyes. "y/n" he mumbled under his breath but I could see him carrack a smile whilst he had a hand on his face. 

I turn to see the only girl in the room. A pretty redheaded lady smiling kindly at me. I knew from then on I liked her. She stood up and hugged me unexpectedly. I didn't know what to feel so I kind of just stood there awkwardly with a weird look on my face.

"Hey I'm Natasha Romanoff, But you can just call me Nat" she whispered in my ear "I can tell were going to be good friends"  I smiled at her, unsure of what to do. No one had ever said that to me before really. 

Just as I was drowning in self doubt again, I heard a voice from behind me, I smirked and turned around to find myself looking straight into Steve Roger's eyes. They were ocean blue, and easy to get lost in. 

"So your Tony's Kid?" He voice was gruff yet charming and he had a cheeky smile that made me smirk. 

"Rogers isn't it? You must be jealous that I am a child of the great tony stark! Are you not?" you ay it sarcastically and laugh afterwards but you never break eye contact with him. 

He smirks "Me? Never, Tony's great but not that great" he laughed and we finally broke eye contact. "Anyways I'm going to pick up parker from school, He got sent home again cause he ditched History to go fight some thugs on 68th street who were breaking into a bank, His headteacher called Jarvis and since SOMEONE" he glared jokingly at tony, "put my name down as his guardian, I have to go find a way to make sure he doesn't get expelled cause this is the 6th time he has done this, Bye guys"

He started to walk out the door but just as he hit the elevator he turned and looked and me. "Bye mini stark" I stuck your middle finger up at him but he just laughed.

I smiled all flirty "Bye rogers." He left and for a second I felt excited and happy that I had finally met some avengers but on the other hand I felt scared and freaked out. What was that with Steve there? I felt like time had just stopped, He looked amazing, The way he smiled gave me butterflies but I was still trying to stay focused on the main goal. To solidify my pace on the avengers. 

I quickly jumped back to reality just as my dad asked Nat to show me to my room. I followed her down many corridors passing many rooms, each of which she explained who stayed there or what the purpose of the room was. We got to a staircase and went up and I followed quickly behind her. 

"Up here is, Steve, Mine and Bucky's rooms and now yours too." She had this smile, such a warming one. I felt like she was going to be a sister to me. She seemed like she had some secrets just like me and I was excited to get close with her. She finally stopped in front of a room, and when Nat opened the doors, I walked into to see a gorgeous, huge room, with ginormous windows with a view of the city. I ran over and jumped onto the bed, It was huge and so soft. I stared at her in disbelief. 

"Is this whole thing mine?!" I asked her and she chuckled at my surprised face. 

"Yep, The whole thing," She laughed as my eyes lit up even more. "you look like a 5yr old who just got a puppy, come on, you haven't even seen the best bit yet" We walked over in a bathroom completely open to the bedroom, The shower was huge and was so modern and looked amazing. I screamed on the inside. I couldn't wait to stay here, it was bigger than anywhere i had slept before.

"What do you think?" She asked, knowing my face was showing it all. I quickly closed my mouth and smirked to give myself some confidence. 

"I love it but I'm sure I'm going to love kicking all or you asses later." She laughed and told me she loved how competitive I was and that we would be great friends. We walked back into the room and to my surprise I saw all my things staked in boxes in the corner. I didn't think much of it though, I was to busy unpacking and taking in the fact I was moving into the avengers compound. 

I don't even think I was unpacking with Nat for more than 10 minutes when there was  a knock at the door. "come in" I say loudly and the door opened to reveal my uncle Rhodey standing there grinning. 

I ran over to him and threw my arms around him. I hadn't seen him in years and it was awful cause when I was younger, he used to pick my up from school every night. He held my tightly. I could sense he was emotional so I quickly pulled away and smiled. 

"Hey rhodey what do you need?" Nat asked as she walked out of the bathroom from putting some towels away. 

"Oh hey nat. Everyone is finally back from whatever they were doing and Tony told me to come get you so you can meet them" I smiled even more when I heard him say this. It was a like a dream come true. Okay y/n, Game Face on. I walked down the stairs following Rhodey. It took a while as we kept stopping to talk about everything we had missed in the past couple of years.

"Hey why am I so nervous?" I said to him with a concerned look. He smiled at me making me feel better.

"Y/n, Your literally the baddest Bitch I know" I laughed, "Go in there and show them who y/n Stark is" I hugged him one last time and walked into the sitting room.   

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