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* * *

This is it. I think to myself as I straighten up my tux in front of my full length mirror. 

This is my wedding day, it's finally here.

I smile widely, moving my fingers through my poofed up hair, licking my thumb to press down on my eyebrow's corner. 

My gaze shifts to the opening door through the mirror and I turn to see my mum walk in and a wide smile spreads over my face. 

"Oh Lou, you look so handsome." She compliments, walking further into the room, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I continue to smile at her. 

"I feel great, nervous, but excited." I say, biting my bottom lip as I return my gaze to myself in the mirror. 

"You're gonna do fine Lou, he's gonna love your suit." She says and I nod, unsure what to think, or how to feel. 

"I came in to tell you some of your friends are here, can I let them in?" She asks and I nod, half paying attention as I fix my hair for the millionth time. 

"Lou!" I hear a voice call out and I smile widely once again as Liam walks through the door my mum just exited out of. 

"Li! I'm so glad you're here. Zayn, Niall, how have you guys been?" I ask, my tone over-excited from the three faces. 

Niall laughs, "Mate, you just saw us yesterday," He says, munching on some dessert that rests in his hand. I roll my eyes, looking back into the mirror. 

"I know, just got  lot of energy." I say, lifting my hands to mess with my hair before Zayn stops them from doing so. 

"Lou, you look fine, amazing even. He's gonna think you're gorgeous, don't be so nervous." He says and I scoff, deciding to wipe off the non-existent dust on my arms instead. 

"I'm not nervous Zayn, I'm just prepared." I say, nodding to myself trying to convince myself that's the case when in reality I'm a bundle of nerves.

"Sure mate, you've got nerves written all over your body, but hey, you do you." Liam says, sorting through some stuff on the vanity. 

I let out a breath, glancing around to see one of my mates still not here. "Where's-"

"He's just in the bathroom, he'll be here soon." Niall says, averting his gaze to the side, but I don't really notice. 

Someone knocks on my door and my face lights up until it's just my mum pushing it open. 

"Five minutes Lou, you ready? He's already up there, we're gonna wait outside the doors before going in." She says to me and I take a really deep breath, releasing it, before nodding with a smile.

Following my mother through the door.

I'm getting married.

* * * 

Niall, Liam, and Zayn each said their good-lucks before going to find their seats. I smile at them, waving enthusiastically before it's just my mum and I and a few last minute guests. 

I turn to my mum, opening my mouth to make a comment about my hair, until I see a familiar face, looking panicked and frazzled as they head for the door. 

"Hey," I call out and they turn their head, immediately having a smile wash over their face.

 "Lou!" He cheers, jogging over to me before taking me into a big hug, his arms wrapping completely around me and his face tucking into my neck. 

Larry Stylinson // One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now