Chapter III

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Chapter II

Peter had never taken a plane in his life, and if there is something he learned after that flight, it is that he didn't like it very much. The problem wasn’t the height that has frightened him, but the departure. He had not expected that the plane on the runway would reach a speed of that caliber. He had always thought that taking a run for altitude was a different experience. And, Mr. Stark's giggles, sitting in front of him on that private jet, didn't help him at least pretend he had it, a little courage.

It is six in the morning, he has a terrible sleep and two restful hours of rest, from which he woke up because of a turbulence.

“They don't happen that often. Of course, on your first flight, it must have been a very bad experience. " Mr. Stark told him with an amused smile, then patted him on the shoulder when he passed him to reach the airport exit, greeted by some people in suits. One of them is holding a sign with Stark Industries written on it . They must be people from the hotel that will host them.

"Damn, I feel all the organs squeezed!" Spidy exclaims, appearing on his shoulder and, immediately afterwards, Tony also reveals himself. Peter sighs, squeezing the straps of his backpack more tightly between his fingers. It blows away a rebel tuft that falls on his face.

“Organs? Do we have organs? We don't even exist! "

"Well, the feeling is the same that Peter feels, so yes, I feel all the organs squeezed! Like the time we went on a roller coaster and I had that sense of vomiting, remember?” the little spider says, pointing at the other with a gloved finger.

“I only remember Peter who also vomits his soul under the Ferris wheel. Was a great day, the day at the rides,” he replies sarcastically.

“We really have to remember that day? Come on, there are other topics to talk about or ... hey, I had an idea!” Peter exclaims and both Tony and Spidy look at him interested, enthusiastic, “Why don't you disappear and leave me alone until I am in the hotel? So, not to seem even more crazy psychopath for Mr. Stark!”, He smiles, but with a bitterness under the palate that almost makes him get the gastric juices. He is in a bad mood; he made a sorry figures, on that plane, tightened to the armrests of his seat and the belt so tight that it left his mark on his hips. He needs a shower, a glass of water and to rest his brain, just to not look like a homeless man who has scrounged a passage on his boss's private jet and to restart his neurons. The first conference will be in a few hours, after lunch and the second - and last, the following day, then they will leave. These will be tough and long days, but the idea that Mr. Stark has chosen him electrifies him and is not afraid to face them, those long hours of work.


Peter comes back to reality. He glances forward and Tony Stark is there, one hand tucked into his suit pocket and one to adjust his glasses, turned towards him with a smile.

"If you don't hurry, I'm leaving without you," he says, and Peter forces himself to put all those thoughts aside, hopping on the spot to catch up with him. He stands beside him and, when they’re out, a long black car awaits them. A little man with a funny hat opens the door for them; when Mr. Stark gestures for him to get into the car, Peter hesitates.

"I've never been in a limo!" He exclaims, and feels so damned stupid for saying it. So he takes his seat and shakes his head, disappointed.

“Oh, so much news in your life! First the plane, then the limousine. I guess you've never been to a five-star hotel."

"No, I think my maximum is camping!" He jokes, and is happy that Mr. Stark laughed at what is not, it's not a joke. "Where are the others?"

"The others?" Repeats Tony. He takes off his glasses and raises an eyebrow, before starting to clean them with a flap of his jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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