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My story is not a pleasant one, it's not a the worst either, but it is one that is worth sharing. It started with love and happiness like most do, but changed to one of sorrow and pain. I'm not sure where to start and it has not yet ended...I'm not sure if it ever will. I was born to loving parents who cherished and loved me with all that they were. At the time I didn't understand how much the sacrificed for me, it took years to see that they didn't only give their lives for me. When they were still living they gave me all that they were. I didn't get a chance to know them, I was too young. They had their secrets like all parents do, I didn't know anything about them except that they loved me and I loved them back. One day I found out how much they cared and it only took a few minutes. That day is the day I realized they had secrets, not the kind you are thinking of. The secrets they kept were not only to keep me safe but also to hide our identities. I still don't know who or what I am.

I'm still not sure where to start so I will explain some things first and then maybe I'll decide. First thing you should know is the world isn't quite what you think it is. There are things not many know of. People hiding in plain sight, creatures that stalk the night, beings that kill multiple times a day but still manage to slip through the cracks of society and never get caught. They are called the damned. I bet you thought I was talking about vampires. No vampires are nothing like the damned. I'd rather be stuck in a room with one thousand hungry vampires then be anywhere near one of the damned.

I'm not sure where they got their name but damned is what they truly are. They have no soul, if you ever look one in the eyes you will see that they are empty. Granted you probably will not live to speak about it, that is if you're lucky, if your not you will live but be damned and not care what you saw in the eyes of one of them. The first time I saw one I didn't know what it was but I knew it was evil. You see the damned have no soul, they don't care about anyone or anything. They can't feel love, happiness, or joy. Granted they might laugh at a kill they make, it's more of a mocking laugh that will send shivers down your spine and make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Ok I have to clear one thing up, seeing one doesn't kill you. They are faster then vampires, stronger then werewolfs, and smarter then they look, so if you're not trained you will most likely not make it. They are not as easy to spot as I might have made it sound. They used to be human so they can hide in plain sight. One could be standing next to you and you will not know until it is too late. It could be someone walking down the street. There are certain things that you have to look for. They have a snake like smell to them that seems to freeze the lungs if you take too deep of a breath around one of the damned. Some can hide the stench better then others, but it's there. They don't do personal higene but they don't have body Oder, but their breath smells of rancid old blood. So if you smell old bloody snakes run. Another way to recognize one is by them not looking in anyone's eyes, keeping their heads down in a crowd. Not only can you see death in their eyes like I said earlier, they are all the same color. The whites of their eyes are bloodshot and there is a blood red line around the white iris and black pupil of the eye. They last way you can tell they are the damned is by their teeth. No they do not have two pointed teeth like vampires. Their teeth are all pointed and jagged. Having one of the damned smile at you a very frightening thing.

Ok back to the problem I started with...where to start?

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